Monday, October 22, 2007

The Flogging Continues ...

I sometimes find myself at a loss as to what to write about. It is not for lack of ideas, but more from a desire not to be boring for the few people who do actually read this rag.

So I was wondering, aside from the poetry, wish supprised the hell out of me as being very popular, at least in the comments section, what is it that you, dear readers, like on this page?

Conspiracy theories? Political commentary? Theological papers? News of the day? Sicence reports? History lessons? I am kind of all over the place here. What do you think?


judi/Gmj said...

I like your hutzpa! :)
Anything but Political commentary, I get enough of that at home.
Check out "papa" from my site.

Anonymous said...

Your topics are varied, which makes it all interesting. I love the poetry, which you know, some of the fun topics; baby haters, etc. You have to be you and write about what you're feeling.

judi/Gmj said...

What ever floats you boat, blog it for you, purge your ....ah never mind.

Eisbär said...

I do my best to keep my personal affairs out of my blog. Although my personality does shine through. So I try not to purge to much.