Monday, October 29, 2007

Dating Dating Everywhere

Have you ever noticed the shenanigans that people who date a lot buy into? I watch my friends do and say some very silly things in the name of dating.

"Do you jump in the sack on the second or third date?"

"If they look to the left on the second date that means that he is seeing someone else?"

"I have been dating (fill in name) for four years and we lived together for two, but we really just don't know if we should get married, it just might not be right."

I have never been good or interested in the stupidity that surrounds "dating." I really hate it. I don't know the "rules" and I don't care to know them. You need to wait 36 hours after giving someone flowers to call them .... Who says?! Why?

Another thing that makes me nuts is the break up/ get together drama. I know so many people that break up, cry, move out and carry on, then are back together the next day. I hate this. It upsets me when my friends do it and I really really hate when it has happened to me in my life. That is something that people thought was cute in Jr. High and I didn't think so then and I still don't think so. It upsets the people fighting and it upsets the people who care about the people that are fighting. If it is bad enough to break up, then it is bad enough not to be together.

Also, if you cannot commit to someone after four years, you are practicing to fail in a relationship. If you don't know if you want to be together, then the answer is, no you don't.

Seriously dating several people at a time is also something that several people I know do. Or dating one person seriously and seeing other people casually on the side. I have always thought that this is the mark of someone who isn't really serious about anything.

This may be my most boring and worthless blog entry ever.

EDIT: I have been told that this post is neither boring nor worthless. I repent in dust and ashes.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, some people today, you just want to smack em on the head and ask what they're thinking. I've had serious and I've had casual, and the games are just unreal. I've mostly been happiest just being single and by myself. Doesn't say much for our society does it? I've actually told some of my friends they're no longer allowed to discuss their dating with me, it's too much of a headache dealing with all of their drama. I think they all need to grow up.

judi/Gmj said...

I never was addicted to daytime soaps. What you discribing sounds like a major soap plot. Growing up doesn't change the personality type, now does it? After being married for 13 years, 8 years and now 21 years dating is so far out of my lifestyle I can note even relate. God I do love being an old fart grammy!