Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Rush Vs. The US Congress

Is anyone but me concerned about the government calling to have people taken off the air because of something that they didn't even say? And even if it was so disagreeable, what about free speech? Seriously. There are plenty of people that I wish would shut up, but, they have the right to talk. It so happens that I have the right not to listen.

So why is congress involved? For instance:

Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colorado) dove further into the Rush Limbaugh brouhaha today, saying he'd support censuring the conservative radio talk-show host for his use of the words "phony soldiers."

What the hell people? Am I really the only one bothered here?

What did Rush say that was so crazy? Here it is, strait off the show archive:

(Rush) "I kind of glossed over this, but the phony soldier being discussed on this program since last Wednesday, Jesse MacBeth, was born as Jesse Al-Zaid in 1984. Now, he did something interesting in January of 2006. After he told all of these lies, after he lied about his Purple Heart -- the guy never got out of boot camp. He washed out after 44 days. He was never a Green Beret, Special Ops, never anything, never went to Iraq. The whole thing was manufactured. Obviously, he had to do this on purpose with the intent of discrediting the US military. Now, these are the people, before they learn the truth, the Democrat Party embraces, sad to say. So he tells all these lies about all these soldiers that he saw hanging innocent civilians from the rafters of mosques and all this."

I am going to dedicate my next post to a brief history of the tactics of totalitarian governments. I think you might be surprised at the parallels developing.


T said...

I concer....... I am not a fan of rush but what he said right there was the truth and well what do you call a liar but a phony,fake,ruse,liar,fabricator?

Eisbär said...

To me this isn't an issue of liking Rush. I don't like Rosie O'Donnell but I sure as hell don't want congress telling her she can't talk and I don't want them telling Rush that he can't.

A side note: As a former member of the military as well as a member of ... other para-military government institutions, Rush has always been an excellent supporter of the "real" military, even if he didn't like the president and his mission (Clinton who I served under had many that Rush didn't like) or what the individual soldier though. He ALWAYS supported us. If Rush was calling a "soldier" a phony, fake or liar, it is because the "soldier" is one.

T said...
