Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bashing Dead People

I may be way off base here, but I am always making myself unpopular in conversations by telling people not to bash dead people. Now, if you want to make fun of Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Kahn or Gandhi or something, by all means, go for it. Also, if you are talking about a relative that you know was a jerk and you want to say, "Uncle Dewy was a real jerk!" that is still within the realm of your business and manners. I am talking about something else. I am talking about the postmortem stories exposure, and gossip about someone already gone.

I don't care what you think of Anna Nichole Smith. She had her faults to be sure, but what happened to her and her son was really tragic and was really the end of a tragic life. Please leave the poor woman alone. The fact that this society reacts like that to her death is just as tragic as her life was.

Tammy Fay Baker is another person that seems to be a target of postmortem open season. Whatever tragic things happened in her life, and what ever problems her husband had, she was a good woman that tried to help people and worked on way more charity issues in a month than most do in a lifetime, and she didn't do it to promote her new movie like most celebrities do. Some people didn't like her faith and political positions, but who cares, she is dead, leave her alone.

I could go on, but the list could get freakishly long. My point is, save your bashing, blogging, tabloid reporting and weekend news exposes for either living people or dead people who deserve to be remembered as waste of oxygen and ground space. (Saddam, Milosevic etc.) Hell, even a good old Elvis piece is a tribute to rock and roll.

Speaking of dead people ... Remember that Paul McCartney is dead, because after all, the Walrus is Paul.


judi/Gmj said...

Let me hear an Amen!!

T said...

koo koo ka choo I am the egg man...... totally agree with you 100%x 10

kristina said...

I agree too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, leave the dead be. Some of the living too.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.