Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Senate Shush Rush Letter

Here is the letter that the US Senate sent to Clear Channel Communications in an attempt to put words into Rush's mouth and ultimately get Rush off the air.

The Rush Limbaugh show is a matter of public record and is recorded and archived by the stations that air it as is required by FCC regulations, and it is clear that he was speaking about people who had never served in the military and claimed that they had such as "Jessee McBeth" (not his real name). This leaves us with two options. The senators who signed this letter are 1. Idiots who can't check their facts before they act on a rumor or 2. Trying to get a private citizen member of the free media off the air.

Either way, do we really want ANY of the people who signed this letter in office? REALLY!??

The Letter: http://download.premiereradio.net/guest/rushlimb/pdf/RushLimbaughSmearLetter.pdf


kristina said...

Unbelievable. Is that real?

Eisbär said...

Yes it is real. Very real. Clear Channel is auctioning it off on EBay and all of the proceeds go to the Marine and Law Enforcement Scholarship fund.

It is currently over $60,000. It is a piece of history because it is the first attempt by congress to seize control of private media.


Eisbär said...

I am sad to say, my senators names are on this. I will not be voting for them again.

kristina said...

Why would Senators send a letter to Clear Channel? Do they have any more power over that business than normal citizens do? Why are they wasting their time and my money to come up with this crap?

Eisbär said...

I keep typing a long response to this and it keeps getting erased for some reason

Eisbär said...

I will try again. Yes the government does because they are they control the FCC.

Rush owns his own company in NY and FL, so that is a hard target to attack because his management is him and Rush is not easy to threaten. However, Clear Channel owns the satellite that syndicates Rush's show. So they put pressure on Clear Channel to take him off of syndication in order to get him off of thousands of stations.

The ultimate hope is that the loss of advertising $$ will make Rush pack it in.

kristina said...

But what kind of "pressure"? What can they do to discourage advertisers?

Eisbär said...

The pressure is that they take shows off the air, such as Don Imus or Opie and Anthony and then the advertisers go with them.