Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Fall

A very Old Poem of mine.

The Fall

Never again
Will I be the same
Blood red sky
I know your name

Glass shower
I've fallen from you
Rock landing
My blood mixes with dew

I long to feel
Death's sweet pangs
I look up
The angels have fangs

©Icebear 1995


Anonymous said...

I'd like to sign up for a poem a day? To my email? I really like these, not 'kreepy' at all. Wouldn't that be a great way to start the day? A poem in your inbox. :)

Eisbär said...

I don't have enough to send you one every day. It wouldn't last long

judi/Gmj said...

there are so many ways to read this response. :)

T said...

very nice.