Saturday, October 27, 2007

Emergency Alerts

I have a text messaging service on my phone that alerts me of emergencies happening either in my area, or in the world. It is supposed to be things that are so important, that you need to know right away. For instance, if a tornado is headed my way, it is supposed to alert me. If a terrorist attack is in progress it alerts me. You get the idea.

Well, some time in early October, at 3:45 AM (thats 03:45) the emergency alert goes off. I flew out of bed expecting destruction to be eminent. When, after fumbling in the dark for my phone, all the time wondering if I needed my guns, I opend the phone to discover what could be so important at this hour to set off the emergency tone.

Albert Gore Jr. had won a Nobel Peace prize. Yippy skippy do. I will write later, perhaps, about why I would like to see Mr. Gore choke on his own tie, but that is another matter all together.

This is another example of how the media pushes its political propaganda on you in the name of news. This is NOT emergency news. It is barely news let alone something that needs to go out on the emergency network. But, the media has their agenda and they will make sure you know what they want you to know, and nothing else.

Notice that unless you live along the border you never hear about the Mexican and South American gangs and military that operate in this country? Hey news media! Where are you on that one? If Canada's military drove into Detroit you can be damn sure that would be reported.

Advice: Don't trust the mainstream media!


judi/Gmj said...

Well.....Spit and Double Spit! That would really frost my ah... never mind. Can't wait to hear why A.G Jr. need to choke on his won tie. Twisted in knots first of course. :)

Anonymous said...

I would be upset too!! Your hearts in your throat wondering what's going on and you read that. It's also true about not hearing about mexican gangs and the military events that happen at the border. I only hear about those when I read your blog, never in the media outlet. Just sad.

kristina said...

Albert Gore Jr. won a Nobel Peace prize? I didn't even know he was a Jr.

Eisbär said...

Maybe if he chokes on his tie that will create an emergency alert?