Monday, October 8, 2007

Myspace and the Idiots Therein

Have any of the rest of you, dear readers, noticed the stupidity that is MySpace? Oh, the idea is ok. I mean, its a blog with pictures and a little bio. Its not so different than my iMusic page I had back in the day (wow 11 years ago), but MySpace takes a whole new level to things.

First of all, I like the pages about bands I like and things of the sort because I can make sure I know when they are playing ans stuff like that. I even have a page, but it is not a real page, it is just a fake profile. Mostly because I don't want the whole world knowing my business, but I also feel that I am not 15 and naked enough to be on there.

I also notice that the bio comments are pretty much all the same. They go something like this:

I am (insert age) but age is just a number. I am very unique and independant, I don't give a shit about anything. I am a brutally honest bitch and I will tell you exactly what I think of you. I love shopping at (insert the names of all the popular mall stores) and listening to (insert names of most popular pop bands).

This is usually the point that it starts going into how they love to smoke weed or .... whatever. The point being is that, by in large, they are almost all alike in their description of themselves and the description is really ignorant.

For one thing, age is NOT just a number. It is the number of years of life experience that you have on this planet. Now, what you do with those years is also very important. There are many 20 year olds right now that have had 3 years of combat experience in Iraq, and that tends to give them a little more mature perspective on life than a normal suburban 20 year old. However 15 is not just a number. You are a immature minor child at 15, don't tell me that you are not.

I don't give a shit and am brutally honest. To me that means that you are a spoiled asshole that your parents didn't bother to teach any manners. I have had so many teenage idiots tell me that; 1. I am ugly (this is a favorite snide comment usually delivered like "Gaawwd you are soooo ugly") 2. My hat is ugly; 3. I am stupid because I am not wiccan or whatever 4. I am not cool or any other number of insulting things.

If you really didn't give a shit, why are you talking to strangers? Why are you asking to be their MySpace friend? Also, being brutally honest is code for saying that you are a rude ass. Further, you are not unique if you do the same things, shop the same places and listen to the same music as everyone else. You want to be unique and not care what anyone thinks? Shop at Goodwill; Listen to folk music, opera, and a cheesy heavy metal band called MANOWAR. NO ONE but the biggest most unpopular dorks on the planet do that and they do it because they like it and don't care if they are popular.

My final thought on this issue is this: Your MySpace page is popular because of the pictures of you in your underwear or your holding your boobs with no bra on, not because of your idiotic blog about how hard your life in high school is. Here is a clue, your life is not hard in high school. There are people not much older than you that lost their legs in Iraq. That is what life being hard is, so shut up. There are blind people and people with PTSD who have a hard time making friends, THAT is what hard is. No one cares about what you say, they just want to look at your ass in hot pants that say ASU on them.

So please, don't ask to be my friend, don't leave my profile comments, and if you see me in Wal-Mart, don't talk to me. You see I have achieved what you say you have achieved: I don't give a shit about you.

Pass me a pint of IPA and turn up the Irish Folk music.


kristina said...

lol! oh my goodness.

Anonymous said...

The idiots are not limited to myspace! I was at the grocery store today, and as i was walking out, a teenage bagger walked out ahead of me, stopped in the door, and proceeded to spit his gum as far as he could into the parking lot. When he turned and saw me standing there, I told him he was a little bastard who should be exterminated, and needed to grow up. I also called the store and talked to a manager and complained. I just couldn't believe it.

kristina said...

i really am trying to clean up my potty mouth. you guys aren't helping.

Anonymous said...

I can offically say you are not ugly. Kris just sent me a picture of you. You're a very good looking man. I honestly don't understand someone walking up to you and telling you that they are. Even if somebody were, I would never do that. Goes to show you what today's generation is all about.

Eisbär said...

I don't care if I am ugly. Is this a beauty contest? I have forgotten more than these twerps will learn in a lifetime and I have accomplished more in a year than they will ever

Anonymous said...

Sorry, guess I'm not making anyone happy with my comments lately.

Eisbär said...

you didnt make me unhappy ... thank you for saying nice things about a very bad picture of me ... my point is that I dont care what some teen idiot thinks of how I look