Tuesday, October 30, 2007


There are those times in your life where you really really feel the weight of being alone. There are times when there are events in your life where the weight of it all just feels so incredibly heavy. When things don't go your way, you get sick or you have mechanical problems, whatever it may be, you have only yourself around to work it out, you feel alone. Or on those days that have always been special to you. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday's, and you don't have anyone at home to go share it with, you feel alone.

It may be that you have family far, or not so far from you, but they are either far away, or busy with their life, and though you may talk on the phone, you wonder why you got the day off work when there will be no party for you. Or perhaps, you are left out of the party, for whatever reason, and you wonder why the people who you care about didn't invite you.

If you are lucky enough to have someone in your life, make sure that you do not neglect them. The worst kind of alone is when you are alone with someone else.


judi/Gmj said...

I agree, alone with someone is The worst kind of lonely. It aches in my soul kind of lonely.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, it's almost creepy how you described this, it reflects perfectly how I feel sometimes. With family near, and far away. I can't put it into words. Very good post.