Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Fall of Democracy, WAKE UP AMERICA

I am not really sure where to start on this. I have wanted to write about it but I also wanted to see how things were going to play themselves out. I am actually really shocked. I knew that a lot of our elected officials were the scum of the earth, but I liked to think that perhaps they would uphold the values of the country despite their character flaws. Boy was I wrong.

I don't know if you have been paying attention, but this last week and a half, members of congress have gone on a campaign against Rush Limbaugh, calling for him to be taken off the air in much the same manner of Opie and Anthony, Don Imus and others who have said something unpopular. The difference being that those were managerial decisions. We have crossed the line. The government is calling for someone that they don't like to be taken off the air, and it is now well established that the accusations against Mr. Limbaugh are false. It is simply a move to silence someone who is not controlled by a traditional media machine due to his popularity.

The main source for the attack on Mr. Limbaugh, is none other than a spin machine of Hillary Clinton called Media Matters. Don't take my word for it, take Mrs. Clinton's word. "We are certainly better prepared and more focused on, you know, taking our arguments and making them effective and disseminating them widely and really putting together a network in the blogosphere, and a lot of the new progressive infrastructure, institutions that I helped to start and support, like Media Matters and Center for American Progress." (August 4, while speaking at the YearlyKos convention in Chicago)

The accusation is that Mr. Limbaugh does not support any military person who does not agree with him and calls them phony soldiers. It is an outright lie. Anyone who knows anything about Mr. Limbaugh knows better. I will not go into it here, because it is a well established fact that he is one of the most ardent supporters of the U.S. Military that there is in the media.

This attack on Mr. Limbaugh by the Clinton spin machine is not really all that shocking given the history of the Clinton's that has so embarrassingly been shown on international TV. What is shocking is that it would actually come to AN ATTACK ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS??!! What on earth is going on? This congress is trying to put an end to free political speech? Are we paying attention to who we elect?

Lets name some names shall we? Well we can start with Hillary Clinton, given that it is her "news" organization. Lets not forget when her husband was president and she said she held the military in contempt. How about Harry Reid ... hey didn't he call the military a bunch of terrorists and Nazis? Jack Murtha ... this is the jerk that accused our troops of killing civilians for fun and raping children. Tom Harkin is another jumping on this Clinton bandwagon. Maybe because Harkin knows a thing or two about phony claims regarding military service. During his 1992 presidential campaign, Harkin claimed he served as a pilot in Vietnam. And when he ran for the Senate in 1984, Harkin said he had flown combat missions in Vietnam. But after changing his story several times, Harkin eventually admitted he had not flown combat missions in Vietnam, and he began describing himself as a Vietnam-era veteran. Not only had he not flown combat missions in Vietnam, he had not served there.

I could go on, but what is the point? They are lying COMMUNIST scum all the way around.

Why would I say such a radical thing? Its simple, these people are using their political power to try to silence someone that they do not like simply because they can. It is the tactic of every communist totalitarian that has ever existed, and in this country we have certain rights.
Such as:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

If you want Rush in his own words, here is the link:

There are also lots of others telling the truth about this if you google it.

Rush Limbaugh today, your church, political group or charity club tomorrow.

Please lets stop this before we need to use the second amendment to fix it. It is no accident that this congress has the lowest approval rating in history. Vote these people out.

1 comment:

Eisbär said...

North America Union is next.