Friday, October 26, 2007

The Two Candidate System

Has anyone noticed that we no longer even have a two party system in this country. We now have a two candidate system. We have Bush, then Clinton. I don't think I am being over the top here. We had one Bush for four years, then Clinton for eight, then Bush for eight. Well we are up to 20 years of Bush/Clinton.

Do we really want Clinton again? Make it 24 years? Maybe 28? Then maybe another Bush can run. I hear that Jeb is considering it. Then when he is done maybe Chelsea will be old enough to run! Yay! Maybe we can do 44 years of Bush/Clinton.

Lets recap the problems of the 80's that we agreed that needed to be resolved.
1. Illegal immagration. Well, Bush/Clinton/Bush got that under control ... Oh wait ...
2. Iran/ Iraq turmoil. Once again, got that one in the bag. Actually I think this is on its way better than the immigration situation.
3. Afghanistan trouble. Hey, its an oldie but a goodie.
4. The war on drugs. Lets just admit we lost this one.
5. Education and literacy. Wow! Illiteracy is at an all time high since the turn of the 20th century!

Well, I am depressing myself, so I think I will stop now.
Lets all vote in the two candidate election so that we can have more of the same!


kristina said...

Well, Can you suggest a solution?

Eisbär said...

Besides thinking that it is time to elect someone with a different agenda that we have had in the last 20 years? Someone who will get this illegal alien problem under control, and get our energy policy on track so that we quit funding terrorists who want to kill us via. buying their oil. I have several solution suggestions depending on how far we the people are willing to take things.

But then, I am a raging libertarian.

kristina said...

Yes, "Someone". Who?

Eisbär said...

Well so far as that goes, I know who I like, and I think you do too, but I am not about to tell others what they ought to think. What I want more than anything is for people to THINK period.

Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly. We need new blood!! I agree with everything you put down.