Friday, October 19, 2007

Speeking of Poetry


The vultures alone
observe me in this cell
my former dear lover
at the bottom of a well

The days of freedom
long have passed me by
my life for vengeance
nary a tear I cry

The hills of Tyburn
are where the dead men sway
in a pine bed
come the morrow will I lay
©Icebear 1996


Anonymous said...

Another good one. You're very talented. I'm not usually a fan of poetry.

Eisbär said...

I didn't know if the reference to the Tyburn Triple Tree was to obscure.

Glad you liked it.

kristina said...

Tyburn Triple Tree -obscure! Of course not. What is it?

Eisbär said...

Tyburn is where the permanent gallows was. The Triple Tree was used to hang many people at once. The pic next to the poem is an old woodcut of it.

judi/Gmj said...

Thanks, I like poetry.

T said...

very good!