Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another Officer Down

Monday another Phoenix police officer was shot by an illegal alien known to be a violent criminal. The illegal had been deported before. He was stopped for running a stops sign and opened fire on officer Bret Glidewell. Officer Glidewell returned fire. Thankfully he was wearing his body armor, and although he is banged up, the armor saved his life.

People are crying out as to why this continues to happen. Today the Chief of Police of Phoenix stated that they cannot arrest the illegals unless they are classified as the most violent types of offenders. Otherwise, they are just released. Why you ask? There are so many criminal illegals that they do not have the manpower or the jail space to arrest them or detain them for immigration. In order to be arrested or detained, they must commit a violent felony and it must satisfy one of two conditions: there must be a body on the ground or a felony in progress . He goes on to say that if they were to go after criminal illegals, that is the only thing that they would be doing.

There are more bills being presented to now to make these acts more illegal, but anyone with an ounce of thought power should be able to see that making something MORE illegal will not help if there is not any enforcement. Right now our government is failing to keep us safe from international criminals. The local police are not prepared, staffed or equipped to deal with this.

Despite lots of talk, the size of the Border Patrol has not significantly increased, and immigration enforcement agents have been taken off of cases involving illegal aliens in favor of customs concerns.

How much more are we willing to take as a society? The North American Union plan has gone into effect as of Labor Day 2007, so we can expect that the problem will only get worse. I guess that we had better buy our own body armor and learn Spanish fast, because it looks like we are on our own.

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