Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

From goolies and ghosties and lony leged besties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord Deliver us!

Happy Halloween all!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


There are those times in your life where you really really feel the weight of being alone. There are times when there are events in your life where the weight of it all just feels so incredibly heavy. When things don't go your way, you get sick or you have mechanical problems, whatever it may be, you have only yourself around to work it out, you feel alone. Or on those days that have always been special to you. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday's, and you don't have anyone at home to go share it with, you feel alone.

It may be that you have family far, or not so far from you, but they are either far away, or busy with their life, and though you may talk on the phone, you wonder why you got the day off work when there will be no party for you. Or perhaps, you are left out of the party, for whatever reason, and you wonder why the people who you care about didn't invite you.

If you are lucky enough to have someone in your life, make sure that you do not neglect them. The worst kind of alone is when you are alone with someone else.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dating Dating Everywhere

Have you ever noticed the shenanigans that people who date a lot buy into? I watch my friends do and say some very silly things in the name of dating.

"Do you jump in the sack on the second or third date?"

"If they look to the left on the second date that means that he is seeing someone else?"

"I have been dating (fill in name) for four years and we lived together for two, but we really just don't know if we should get married, it just might not be right."

I have never been good or interested in the stupidity that surrounds "dating." I really hate it. I don't know the "rules" and I don't care to know them. You need to wait 36 hours after giving someone flowers to call them .... Who says?! Why?

Another thing that makes me nuts is the break up/ get together drama. I know so many people that break up, cry, move out and carry on, then are back together the next day. I hate this. It upsets me when my friends do it and I really really hate when it has happened to me in my life. That is something that people thought was cute in Jr. High and I didn't think so then and I still don't think so. It upsets the people fighting and it upsets the people who care about the people that are fighting. If it is bad enough to break up, then it is bad enough not to be together.

Also, if you cannot commit to someone after four years, you are practicing to fail in a relationship. If you don't know if you want to be together, then the answer is, no you don't.

Seriously dating several people at a time is also something that several people I know do. Or dating one person seriously and seeing other people casually on the side. I have always thought that this is the mark of someone who isn't really serious about anything.

This may be my most boring and worthless blog entry ever.

EDIT: I have been told that this post is neither boring nor worthless. I repent in dust and ashes.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Velvet Glove ... It's All the Same

WARNING! I don't know what to call this next poem. Erotica I suppose. If that kind of thing bothers you. Don't read this.

Once again. It is old.

It’s All the Same

You call me on
to a brand new game
where nothing else matters
it’s all the same

Your kiss or a whip
is it ecstasy or pain?
it doesn’t matter
it’s all the same

With a velvet glove
or a ball and chain
it doesn’t matter
it’s all the same

carried away
beyond pleasure or shame
it doesn’t matter
it’s all the same.
©Icebear 1996

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Emergency Alerts

I have a text messaging service on my phone that alerts me of emergencies happening either in my area, or in the world. It is supposed to be things that are so important, that you need to know right away. For instance, if a tornado is headed my way, it is supposed to alert me. If a terrorist attack is in progress it alerts me. You get the idea.

Well, some time in early October, at 3:45 AM (thats 03:45) the emergency alert goes off. I flew out of bed expecting destruction to be eminent. When, after fumbling in the dark for my phone, all the time wondering if I needed my guns, I opend the phone to discover what could be so important at this hour to set off the emergency tone.

Albert Gore Jr. had won a Nobel Peace prize. Yippy skippy do. I will write later, perhaps, about why I would like to see Mr. Gore choke on his own tie, but that is another matter all together.

This is another example of how the media pushes its political propaganda on you in the name of news. This is NOT emergency news. It is barely news let alone something that needs to go out on the emergency network. But, the media has their agenda and they will make sure you know what they want you to know, and nothing else.

Notice that unless you live along the border you never hear about the Mexican and South American gangs and military that operate in this country? Hey news media! Where are you on that one? If Canada's military drove into Detroit you can be damn sure that would be reported.

Advice: Don't trust the mainstream media!

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Two Candidate System

Has anyone noticed that we no longer even have a two party system in this country. We now have a two candidate system. We have Bush, then Clinton. I don't think I am being over the top here. We had one Bush for four years, then Clinton for eight, then Bush for eight. Well we are up to 20 years of Bush/Clinton.

Do we really want Clinton again? Make it 24 years? Maybe 28? Then maybe another Bush can run. I hear that Jeb is considering it. Then when he is done maybe Chelsea will be old enough to run! Yay! Maybe we can do 44 years of Bush/Clinton.

Lets recap the problems of the 80's that we agreed that needed to be resolved.
1. Illegal immagration. Well, Bush/Clinton/Bush got that under control ... Oh wait ...
2. Iran/ Iraq turmoil. Once again, got that one in the bag. Actually I think this is on its way better than the immigration situation.
3. Afghanistan trouble. Hey, its an oldie but a goodie.
4. The war on drugs. Lets just admit we lost this one.
5. Education and literacy. Wow! Illiteracy is at an all time high since the turn of the 20th century!

Well, I am depressing myself, so I think I will stop now.
Lets all vote in the two candidate election so that we can have more of the same!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

When A Mangy Bear Is Just A Mangy Bear

I love cryptozoology. I really find it fun when a new species is discovered. I even like the weird things like the hairy lobster and giant prehistoric shark. But often people who perport to love nature have no idea what they are looking at.

Sometimes, its nothing new. Its not bigfoot, its not the chupachabra, its just a poor bear with the mange. Sorry buddy. That looks itchy.

Saturn News

This is an interesting new discovery about the rings of Saturn.

Images taken by a camera onboard the NASA Cassini spacecraft revealed a series of eight propeller-shaped "wakes" in a thin belt of the outermost "A" ring, indicating the presence of corresponding moonlets, said CU-Boulder Research Associate Miodrag Sremcevic, lead author of the study published in the Oct. 25 issue of Nature. The propeller wakes highlight tiny areas of the belt where ring material has been perturbed by the gravitational forces caused by individual moonlets, Sremcevic said.

The team calculated that there likely are thousands of moonlets ranging in size from semi-trailers to sports arenas embedded in the "A" ring's thin moonlet belt that circles the planet. At about 2,000 miles across, the belt of moonlets is only about 1/80th the diameter of Saturn's total ring system, which at roughly 155,000 miles across would stretch about two-thirds of the way from Earth to the moon.

"This is the first evidence of a moonlet belt in any of Saturn's rings," said Sremcevic of CU-Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. "We have firmly established these moonlets exist in a relatively narrow region of the "A" ring, and the evidence indicates they are remnants of a larger moon that was shattered by a meteoroid or comet."

Co-authors of the Nature study include Juergen Schmidt, Martin Seiss and Frank Spahn of the University of Potsdam in Germany, Heikko Salo of the University of Oulu in Finland, and Nicole Albers of CU-Boulder's LASP. The images were taken by the Narrow Angle Camera onboard the NASA Cassini spacecraft, which was launched in 1997 and has been orbiting the Saturn system since July 2004.

Each propeller feature is about 10 miles long, said Sremcevic, who with Spahn first predicted the existence of such propellers in Saturn's rings as an undergraduate at the University of Belgrade in 2000. While four propellers were discovered in the "A" ring in 2006 by a team led by Cornell University, Sremcevic and his colleagues looked at a much larger image sequence, allowing them to extrapolate statistically and confirm the presence of thousands of small objects in the "A" ring's moonlet belt.

The moonlets may be the result of the break-up of a ring-moon similar to Pan -- Saturn's innermost 20-mile diameter moon -- that was smashed by a comet or meteor, the team concluded. The team calculated the mass of the unseen moonlets in the belt greater than 50 feet in diameter to arrive at the estimated size of the moon involved in the collision creating the belt.

The finding supports the theory that Saturn's rings initially were created in a "collisional cascade" of ring debris begun by a catastrophic break-up of an even larger moon in the Saturn system first proposed by CU-Boulder planetary scientists Larry Esposito and Joshua Colwell in 1987. The moonlets in the newly discovered belt may have formed after Saturn's rings already were in place, which planetary scientists speculate could have been hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago.

"It seems unlikely that moonlets are remainders of a single catastrophic event that created the whole ring system, because in this case a uniform distribution would emerge," the researchers wrote in Nature. "Instead, the moonlet belt is compatible with a more recent body orbiting in the A ring."

Esposito, who was not involved in the study, said the propellers "show a striking demonstration of the lingering effects of the gravity from these small, embedded moonlets." Esposito is the chief scientist on the NASA Cassini mission's $12.5 million Ultra-Violet Imaging Spectrograph designed and built at LASP.

Sremcevic said the discovery of the moonlet belt is another piece in the puzzle regarding the formation and evolution of Saturn's rings. "We believe future studies of ring evolution will need to incorporate the findings and implications from this study."

Source: University of Colorado at Boulder

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another Day, Another Cup of Hoffee

Well, thank you for the feedback.

I would just like to say that, a day without coffee is like .... a day without coffee.

So have a cup of Hoffee, I mean coffee on me today.

Be easy and free, when your drinkin with me,
I'm a man you don't meet every day.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Flogging Continues ...

I sometimes find myself at a loss as to what to write about. It is not for lack of ideas, but more from a desire not to be boring for the few people who do actually read this rag.

So I was wondering, aside from the poetry, wish supprised the hell out of me as being very popular, at least in the comments section, what is it that you, dear readers, like on this page?

Conspiracy theories? Political commentary? Theological papers? News of the day? Sicence reports? History lessons? I am kind of all over the place here. What do you think?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Speeking of Poetry


The vultures alone
observe me in this cell
my former dear lover
at the bottom of a well

The days of freedom
long have passed me by
my life for vengeance
nary a tear I cry

The hills of Tyburn
are where the dead men sway
in a pine bed
come the morrow will I lay
©Icebear 1996

What is Emo?

So many people ask me this. I get asked this a lot, mostly because I make jokes like, "I wish my yard was Emo, so it would cut itself." So dear readers, here is a short history and definition of Emo.

Emo is short for emotional. It was, at first, the name of a type of punk music. It was considered very hardcore and the full name was EMOTIONAL HARDCORE PUNK. Now for those of you who know what Emo is and are going "WTF!? NO! BULLSH*TT!!!" This is no longer the case. What happened around 1990 is that Emo started getting mixed with the Indy scene. This bunch was a mostly unsuccessful movement also, with very few listeners outside of the UK, with the exception of a few bands such as London Suede and um ... I forget and don't care enough to look it up. In any case, Washington DC and Phoenix were major centers or early Emotional Indy music.

At the same time as this (1980-1992) , Punk and Metal gave birth to a somewhat hybrid form of music that was known as Gothic Metal, Gothic Punk, and later, Gothic Industrial or just Gothic. Ironically, this was a hardcore music movement, that was death metalish, but without all the overtones of evil. Doom metal, such as Candlemass was an early form. On the punk side you had The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy (showing signs of the industrial future).

In any case, the late 80's/early 90's Gothic types, while dressing in black, with chains, trench coats, electrical tape, fish net stalkings, large Doc Martin work boots and funny spiky colored (mine was blue) hair, were hard core. They also lifted weights, read literature, and generally considered being stupid, whiny, crying, and being afraid of things to be totally unacceptable. Unlike the death metal counterparts, they were more likely to keep to their own reading of Nietzsche and not socialize. However, if they were messed with for their being different, they would slam you across the parking lot, even if that meant the rest of the football team would later pummel you to the ground, you were sure you would get at least a good groin bite in.

Emotional on the other hand went another way. Most are vegetarians or vegans in order to be 'non-conformist.' (Any vegetarian reading this: this is nothing against you, it is just information) The dress is as androgynous as possible and most identify themselves as bisexual. Lots of pissing and moaning about how hard life is, how meaningless life is, how pain is the only thing that is real. How the only way that they can feel is to cut themselves and cry in the dark and stuff like that.

Other Emo pastimes include reading lame poetry late at night to a group of other Emo gathered at Dennys. Sitting in groups around the outside of schools and lamenting how life is pain and everyone is a conformist but you.

In about 2000 emo did something strange. It took over the former Gothic look and terminology. It added its own flavor to it ... such as eye makup that looks like you have been crying and it ran all over everything. (Emos spend a lot of time crying). Crusty hair brushed to one side, horn-rimmed glasses, and eyeliner (or "guyliner" as the case may be). Basically, anything that suggests an air of vulnerability.

EMO DATING: girl finds emo guy and tells him he is sweet and sensitive. Guy reads bad poetry and cries a lot. He is moody and sad. She is moody and sad. They dye their hair and put on makeup together. One day girl gets sick of being with a wimp that is more of a girl than she is. She goes and hooks up with a preppy guy. Emo guy is now even more sad, cries more and writes even more bad poetry about how life is pain. Girl sees this sad, emotional, vegan poet and tells him he is sweet and sensitive. They put on makeup go to Dennys together .... and so on.

Gothic punk metal types, (now mostly in their 30's and 40's) give a collective shrug and wonder how the hell the movement was lost to the wimps, then realise that they never gave a damn when they were young and now that they have 10-15yr old kids of their own, shopping at Hot Topic, they really don't give a damn and mostly attempt to keep their own kid form being a crying vegan wimp. Some have even considered teaching them how to execute a proper groin bite, but mostly these 30 somethings "goth it up" on their blogs or by purchasing a black PT Cruiser and putting a skull shifter knob on it.

Though they are sorely tempted to make a grim Gothic gesture by running over an Emo kid with said PT Cruiser, those things are to expensive for that kind of behavior.

For another Emo Picture go: here

Shush Rush Letter Auction Over

I am very pleased to announce that the final price of the letter was $2,100,100 , which Rush will match as a donation for the MC-LEF, making the total donation for this one item 4,200,200. I am very glad that something so good came of this. I also think that it is going to be quite an investment as a historical document. No item for charity has ever brought in more or higher bids and it also crashed eBay.

Interestingly enough Harry Ried is now trying to take credit for this.
Really unbelievable. Leave it to a politician to tell you that his violation of the constitution was actually doing you a favor.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Senate Shush Rush Letter Auction

Clear Channel is auctioning it off on eBay and all of the proceeds go to the Marine and Law Enforcement Scholarship fund. Rush is on the board of trustees for this fund and is one of its charter members. He has given (tens of) millions in personal donations since it was founded in 1991. This foundation keeps NONE of the money it takes in. 100% of what is donated goes to the fund. They eat the overhead cost.

To learn more about it go here: MC-LEF

Rush will personally match the donation that this letter brings. Someone asked "What if it goes for $20 million?" Rush said "No problem." This is the man that Harry Reid says hates the military.

I am pleased to say that it is currently over $105,000 and rising. It is a piece of history because it is the first attempt by congress to seize control of private media.

To bid or see for yourself:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Senate Shush Rush Letter

Here is the letter that the US Senate sent to Clear Channel Communications in an attempt to put words into Rush's mouth and ultimately get Rush off the air.

The Rush Limbaugh show is a matter of public record and is recorded and archived by the stations that air it as is required by FCC regulations, and it is clear that he was speaking about people who had never served in the military and claimed that they had such as "Jessee McBeth" (not his real name). This leaves us with two options. The senators who signed this letter are 1. Idiots who can't check their facts before they act on a rumor or 2. Trying to get a private citizen member of the free media off the air.

Either way, do we really want ANY of the people who signed this letter in office? REALLY!??

The Letter:

Another Officer Down

Monday another Phoenix police officer was shot by an illegal alien known to be a violent criminal. The illegal had been deported before. He was stopped for running a stops sign and opened fire on officer Bret Glidewell. Officer Glidewell returned fire. Thankfully he was wearing his body armor, and although he is banged up, the armor saved his life.

People are crying out as to why this continues to happen. Today the Chief of Police of Phoenix stated that they cannot arrest the illegals unless they are classified as the most violent types of offenders. Otherwise, they are just released. Why you ask? There are so many criminal illegals that they do not have the manpower or the jail space to arrest them or detain them for immigration. In order to be arrested or detained, they must commit a violent felony and it must satisfy one of two conditions: there must be a body on the ground or a felony in progress . He goes on to say that if they were to go after criminal illegals, that is the only thing that they would be doing.

There are more bills being presented to now to make these acts more illegal, but anyone with an ounce of thought power should be able to see that making something MORE illegal will not help if there is not any enforcement. Right now our government is failing to keep us safe from international criminals. The local police are not prepared, staffed or equipped to deal with this.

Despite lots of talk, the size of the Border Patrol has not significantly increased, and immigration enforcement agents have been taken off of cases involving illegal aliens in favor of customs concerns.

How much more are we willing to take as a society? The North American Union plan has gone into effect as of Labor Day 2007, so we can expect that the problem will only get worse. I guess that we had better buy our own body armor and learn Spanish fast, because it looks like we are on our own.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Great Dictators

Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Joseph Stalin. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 however, evidence from the Soviet archives finally became available. The government archives record that about 800,000 prisoners were executed (for either political or criminal offences) under Stalin, while about 1.7 million died in the GULAG and some 389,000 perished during kulak resettlement - a total of about 3 million victims. Some historians have also included the 6 to 8 million victims of the 1932-33 famine as victims of repression. Regardless, it appears that a minimum of around 10 million surplus deaths (4 million by repression and 6 million from famine) are attributable to the regime, with a number of recent books suggesting a likely total of around 20 million.

Russia is of course a complicated case with a very long sad history of social failure. What is clearly a cause of this situation is what was known as the great purge.

In the 1930s, Stalin launched his Great Purge, ridding the Communist Party of all the people who had brought him to power. Soviet nuclear physicist and academician Andrei Sakharov estimated that more than 1.2 million party members -- more than half the party -- were arrested between 1936 and 1939. Weapons were already restricted and removing them from the military leaders that he was disposing of was an easy matter. The press had been tightly controlled for years, and removing the last visages of free thinking press was simple as well.

He then began seizing land, jobs and anything else that he wanted. Anyone who spoke against him, disappeared. Collectivize and liquidate was the norm of things.

As I said, we have a ways to go before we see these things in our society, but I shall return to that thought.

Adolf Hitler Early on he pushed the Reichstag Fire Decree of February 28, which suspended basic rights, including habeas corpus. Under the provisions of this decree, the Communist Party of Germany, German Communist Party and other groups were suppressed, and communist functionaries and deputies were arrested, put to flight, or murdered. With this combination of legislative and executive power, Hitler's government further suppressed the remaining political opposition. The and the SPD were banned, while all other political parties dissolved themselves. Labor unions were merged with employers' federations into an organization under Nazi control, and the autonomy of German state governments was abolished.

Between 1939 and 1945, the SS, assisted by collaborating governments and recruits from Military occupied countries, systematically killed somewhere between 11 and 14 million people, including about 6 million Jews. For more on the Holocaust visit:

Louis Farrakhan has referred to him as a "very great man." His control of the press and removal of weapons from German society are routinely praised by other leaders in this country.

What the difference between these and other tyrants of history (and I could name many many more) is that we have a population that is supposedly free from the govenrnment doing whatever it pleases to us. Including some very specific rights that we believe to be God given to all humans. 1. We can speak against that government (and other things) and 2. We can defend ourselves against threats to our safety and rights.

What the point of all this is what we see happening to Rush Limbaugh. Our government is seeking to silence a private citizen. An annoying one? Perhaps he is, depending on who you ask, but is that an excuse?

I also see a disturbing amount of support for new dictators emerging worldwide. Hugo Chavez, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong ill, Choummaly Sayasone, Bashar al-Assad.

The list is miles long. Who are the biggest supporters of these international jerks? Danny Glover comes to mind ....

Anyone interested in hearing more? Anyone think that congress should shush Rush? Are we really willing to go that road in this country?

Let me know what you think.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Fall

A very Old Poem of mine.

The Fall

Never again
Will I be the same
Blood red sky
I know your name

Glass shower
I've fallen from you
Rock landing
My blood mixes with dew

I long to feel
Death's sweet pangs
I look up
The angels have fangs

©Icebear 1995

More on the Vatican - Templar book

10/12/2007 -- VATICAN CITY (AP) - It's not the Holy Grail, but for fans of
"The Da Vinci Code" and its tantalizing story line about the Knights
Templar, it could be the next best thing.
Ignored for centuries, documents about the heresy trial of the ancient
Christian order discovered in the Vatican's secret archives are being
published in a limited edition—with an $8,377 price tag.

They include a 14th-century parchment showing that Pope Clement V initially
absolved the Templar leaders of heresy, though he did find them guilty of
immorality and planned to reform the order, according to the Vatican
archives Web site.
But pressured by King Philip IV of France, Clement later reversed his
decision and suppressed the order in 1312.

Only 799 copies of the 300-page volume, "Processus Contra Templarios,"—Latin
for "Trial against the Templars"—are for sale, said Scrinium publishing
house, which prints documents from the Vatican's secret archives. Each will
cost $8,377, the publisher said Friday.

An 800th copy will go to Pope Benedict XVI, said Barbara Frale, the
researcher who found the long-overlooked parchment tucked away in the
archives in 2001.

The Knights Templar, which ultimately disappeared because of the heresy
scandal, recently captivated the imagination of readers of the best-seller
"The Da Vinci Code," which linked the order to the legend of the Holy Grail.

The new Vatican work reproduces the entire documentation of the papal
hearings convened after Philip IV of France arrested and tortured Templar
leaders in 1307 on charges of heresy and immorality.

The military order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of
Solomon was founded in 1118 in Jerusalem to protect pilgrims in the Holy
Land after the First Crusade.

As their military might increased, the Templars also grew in wealth,
acquiring property throughout Europe and running a primitive banking system.
After they left the Middle East with the collapse of the Crusader kingdoms,
their power and secretive ways aroused the fear of European rulers and
sparked accusations of corruption and blasphemy.

Historians believe Philip owed debts to the Templars and used the
accusations to arrest their leaders and extract, under torture, confessions
of heresy in order to seize the order's riches.
The publishing house said the new book includes the "Parchment of Chinon," a
1308 decision by Clement to save the Templars and their order.

Frale said the three-foot-wide document probably had been ignored because a
catalog entry in 1628 was "too vague."

"Unfortunately, there was an archiving error, an error in how the document
was described," she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from
her home in Viterbo, north of Rome. "More than an error, it was a little

The parchment, in remarkably good condition considering its 700 years,
apparently had last been consulted at the start of the 20th century, Frale
said, surmising that its significance must not have been realized then.

Frale said she was intrigued by the 1628 entry because, while it apparently
referred to some minor matter, it noted that three top cardinals, including
Pope Clement's right-hand man, Berenger Fredol, had made a long journey to
interrogate someone.

"Going on with my research, it turned out that in reality it was an inquest
of very great importance," she said.

Fredol "had gone to question the Great Master and other heads of the
Templars who had been segregated, practically kidnapped, by the king of
France and shut up in secret in his castle in Chinon on the Loire."

Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, was burned at the stake in
1314 along with his aides.

The surviving monks fled. Some were absorbed by other orders, and over the
centuries, various groups have claimed to be descended from the Templars.

As for Clement, he "was a hostage in French territory" on the eve of what
historians would call the Avignon period of popes, Frale said.

She said the parchment reveals the cardinals reached the conclusion the
Templars were guilty of abuses but not "a real and true heresy."

"There were a lot of faults in the order—abuses, violence ... a lot of sins,
but not heresy," she said.

These included forcing new recruits to "reject Christ in words and spit on
the cross," in imitation of the violence suffered by knights when captured
by Muslims, Frale said. New members were kicked and punched if they refused
to undergo this kind of hazing, she added.

Philip had "confiscated all the wealth of the order, which he used to pay
his debts," said Frale, who has written three books about the Templars. "Had
the (order) survived, it's clear that Philip ... would have had to give back
all" the wealth.

"But the king of France had already spent it," she said.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Rush Vs. The US Congress

Is anyone but me concerned about the government calling to have people taken off the air because of something that they didn't even say? And even if it was so disagreeable, what about free speech? Seriously. There are plenty of people that I wish would shut up, but, they have the right to talk. It so happens that I have the right not to listen.

So why is congress involved? For instance:

Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colorado) dove further into the Rush Limbaugh brouhaha today, saying he'd support censuring the conservative radio talk-show host for his use of the words "phony soldiers."

What the hell people? Am I really the only one bothered here?

What did Rush say that was so crazy? Here it is, strait off the show archive:

(Rush) "I kind of glossed over this, but the phony soldier being discussed on this program since last Wednesday, Jesse MacBeth, was born as Jesse Al-Zaid in 1984. Now, he did something interesting in January of 2006. After he told all of these lies, after he lied about his Purple Heart -- the guy never got out of boot camp. He washed out after 44 days. He was never a Green Beret, Special Ops, never anything, never went to Iraq. The whole thing was manufactured. Obviously, he had to do this on purpose with the intent of discrediting the US military. Now, these are the people, before they learn the truth, the Democrat Party embraces, sad to say. So he tells all these lies about all these soldiers that he saw hanging innocent civilians from the rafters of mosques and all this."

I am going to dedicate my next post to a brief history of the tactics of totalitarian governments. I think you might be surprised at the parallels developing.

Being Kreepy

Old Poem I wrote ... fifteen years ago or so I believe. It has been published in several magazines and such. It's kind of Kreepy.
Enjoy or don't ...

Death comes
it circles down
there you lay
in your black gown
didn't believe
things you said
a crimson pool
behind your head
kneeling by you
i whisper your name
i alone
accept this blame
abandoned by angels
i scream in the gloom
crucifying pain
i'll join you soon
a crimson river
on the ground
spreading slowly
with no sound
to your lips
i place a rose
with my death
our love grows.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

THE CHINON PARCHMENT, rough translation

I have a translation of The Chinon Parchment, mentioned in the article about the Templars that I have posted. However, it is quite long and I am not sure that it would be worthwhile to post for the few people that would read it. If you want it, let me know and I will email it to you.

This the possibility to be a very exciting book coming out. I hope that it is fair.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Vatican Book on Templars' Demise

The Vatican is to publish a book which is expected to shed light on
the demise of the Knights Templar, a Christian military order from the
Middle Ages.

The book is based on a document known as the Chinon parchment, found
in the Vatican Secret Archives six years ago after years of being
incorrectly filed.

The document is a record of the heresy hearings of the Templars before
Pope Clement V in the 14th Century.

The official who found the paper says it exonerates the knights entirely.

Prof Barbara Frale, who stumbled across the parchment by mistake, says
that it lays bare the rituals and ceremonies over which the Templars
were accused of heresy.

In the hearings before Clement V, the knights reportedly admitted
spitting on the cross, denying Jesus and kissing the lower back of the
man proposing them during initiation ceremonies.

The Pope was obliged to ask for pardons from the knights - the
document absolves them
Prof Barbara Frale
Vatican Secret Archives official

However, many of the confessions were obtained under torture and
knights later recanted or tried to claim that their initiation
ceremony merely mimicked the humiliation the knights would suffer if
they fell into the hands of the Muslim leader Saladin.

The leader of the order, Jacques de Molay, was one of those who
confessed to heresy, but later recanted.

He was burned at the stake in Paris in 1314, the same year that the
Pope dissolved the order.

However, according to Prof Frale, study of the document shows that the
knights were not heretics as had been believed for 700 years.

In fact she says "the Pope was obliged to ask for pardons from the
knights... the document we have found absolves them".

Details of the parchment will be published as part of Processus contra
Templarios, a book that will be released by the Vatican's Secret
Archive on 25 October.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Myspace and the Idiots Therein

Have any of the rest of you, dear readers, noticed the stupidity that is MySpace? Oh, the idea is ok. I mean, its a blog with pictures and a little bio. Its not so different than my iMusic page I had back in the day (wow 11 years ago), but MySpace takes a whole new level to things.

First of all, I like the pages about bands I like and things of the sort because I can make sure I know when they are playing ans stuff like that. I even have a page, but it is not a real page, it is just a fake profile. Mostly because I don't want the whole world knowing my business, but I also feel that I am not 15 and naked enough to be on there.

I also notice that the bio comments are pretty much all the same. They go something like this:

I am (insert age) but age is just a number. I am very unique and independant, I don't give a shit about anything. I am a brutally honest bitch and I will tell you exactly what I think of you. I love shopping at (insert the names of all the popular mall stores) and listening to (insert names of most popular pop bands).

This is usually the point that it starts going into how they love to smoke weed or .... whatever. The point being is that, by in large, they are almost all alike in their description of themselves and the description is really ignorant.

For one thing, age is NOT just a number. It is the number of years of life experience that you have on this planet. Now, what you do with those years is also very important. There are many 20 year olds right now that have had 3 years of combat experience in Iraq, and that tends to give them a little more mature perspective on life than a normal suburban 20 year old. However 15 is not just a number. You are a immature minor child at 15, don't tell me that you are not.

I don't give a shit and am brutally honest. To me that means that you are a spoiled asshole that your parents didn't bother to teach any manners. I have had so many teenage idiots tell me that; 1. I am ugly (this is a favorite snide comment usually delivered like "Gaawwd you are soooo ugly") 2. My hat is ugly; 3. I am stupid because I am not wiccan or whatever 4. I am not cool or any other number of insulting things.

If you really didn't give a shit, why are you talking to strangers? Why are you asking to be their MySpace friend? Also, being brutally honest is code for saying that you are a rude ass. Further, you are not unique if you do the same things, shop the same places and listen to the same music as everyone else. You want to be unique and not care what anyone thinks? Shop at Goodwill; Listen to folk music, opera, and a cheesy heavy metal band called MANOWAR. NO ONE but the biggest most unpopular dorks on the planet do that and they do it because they like it and don't care if they are popular.

My final thought on this issue is this: Your MySpace page is popular because of the pictures of you in your underwear or your holding your boobs with no bra on, not because of your idiotic blog about how hard your life in high school is. Here is a clue, your life is not hard in high school. There are people not much older than you that lost their legs in Iraq. That is what life being hard is, so shut up. There are blind people and people with PTSD who have a hard time making friends, THAT is what hard is. No one cares about what you say, they just want to look at your ass in hot pants that say ASU on them.

So please, don't ask to be my friend, don't leave my profile comments, and if you see me in Wal-Mart, don't talk to me. You see I have achieved what you say you have achieved: I don't give a shit about you.

Pass me a pint of IPA and turn up the Irish Folk music.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bashing Dead People

I may be way off base here, but I am always making myself unpopular in conversations by telling people not to bash dead people. Now, if you want to make fun of Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Kahn or Gandhi or something, by all means, go for it. Also, if you are talking about a relative that you know was a jerk and you want to say, "Uncle Dewy was a real jerk!" that is still within the realm of your business and manners. I am talking about something else. I am talking about the postmortem stories exposure, and gossip about someone already gone.

I don't care what you think of Anna Nichole Smith. She had her faults to be sure, but what happened to her and her son was really tragic and was really the end of a tragic life. Please leave the poor woman alone. The fact that this society reacts like that to her death is just as tragic as her life was.

Tammy Fay Baker is another person that seems to be a target of postmortem open season. Whatever tragic things happened in her life, and what ever problems her husband had, she was a good woman that tried to help people and worked on way more charity issues in a month than most do in a lifetime, and she didn't do it to promote her new movie like most celebrities do. Some people didn't like her faith and political positions, but who cares, she is dead, leave her alone.

I could go on, but the list could get freakishly long. My point is, save your bashing, blogging, tabloid reporting and weekend news exposes for either living people or dead people who deserve to be remembered as waste of oxygen and ground space. (Saddam, Milosevic etc.) Hell, even a good old Elvis piece is a tribute to rock and roll.

Speaking of dead people ... Remember that Paul McCartney is dead, because after all, the Walrus is Paul.

Friday, October 5, 2007

On the LIGHTER Side ...

The Betrothed by Rudyard Kipling

"You must choose between me and your cigar."

-- Breach of Promise Case, Circa 1885

Open the old cigar-box, get me a Cuba stout,
For things are running crossways, and Maggie and I are out.

We quarrelled about Havanas -- we fought o'er a good cheroot,
And I knew she is exacting, and she says I am a brute.

Open the old cigar-box -- let me consider a space;
In the soft blue veil of the vapour musing on Maggie's face.

Maggie is pretty to look at -- Maggie's a loving lass,
But the prettiest cheeks must wrinkle, the truest of loves must pass.

There's peace in a Larranaga, there's calm in a Henry Clay;
But the best cigar in an hour is finished and thrown away --

Thrown away for another as perfect and ripe and brown --
But I could not throw away Maggie for fear o' the talk o' the town!

Maggie, my wife at fifty -- grey and dour and old --
With never another Maggie to purchase for love or gold!

And the light of Days that have Been the dark of the Days that Are,
And Love's torch stinking and stale, like the butt of a dead cigar --

The butt of a dead cigar you are bound to keep in your pocket --
With never a new one to light tho' it's charred and black to the socket!

Open the old cigar-box -- let me consider a while.
Here is a mild Manila -- there is a wifely smile.

Which is the better portion -- bondage bought with a ring,
Or a harem of dusky beauties, fifty tied in a string?

Counsellors cunning and silent -- comforters true and tried,
And never a one of the fifty to sneer at a rival bride?

Thought in the early morning, solace in time of woes,
Peace in the hush of the twilight, balm ere my eyelids close,

This will the fifty give me, asking nought in return,
With only a Suttee's passion -- to do their duty and burn.

This will the fifty give me. When they are spent and dead,
Five times other fifties shall be my servants instead.

The furrows of far-off Java, the isles of the Spanish Main,
When they hear my harem is empty will send me my brides again.

I will take no heed to their raiment, nor food for their mouths withal,
So long as the gulls are nesting, so long as the showers fall.

I will scent 'em with best vanilla, with tea will I temper their hides,
And the Moor and the Mormon shall envy who read of the tale of my brides.

For Maggie has written a letter to give me my choice between
The wee little whimpering Love and the great god Nick o' Teen.

And I have been servant of Love for barely a twelvemonth clear,
But I have been Priest of Cabanas a matter of seven year;

And the gloom of my bachelor days is flecked with the cheery light
Of stums that I burned to Friendship and Pleasure and Work and Fight.

And I turn my eyes to the future that Maggie and I must prove,
But the only light on the marshes is the Will-o'-the-Wisp of Love.

Will it see me safe through my journey or leave me bogged in the mire?
Since a puff of tobacco can cloud it, shall I follow the fitful fire?

Open the old cigar-box -- let me consider anew --
Old friends, and who is Maggie that I should abandon you?

A million surplus Maggies are willing to bear the yoke;
And a woman is only a woman, but a good Cigar is a Smoke.

Light me another Cuba -- I hold to my first-sworn vows.
If Maggie will have no rival, I'll have no Maggie for Spouse!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Fall of Democracy, WAKE UP AMERICA

I am not really sure where to start on this. I have wanted to write about it but I also wanted to see how things were going to play themselves out. I am actually really shocked. I knew that a lot of our elected officials were the scum of the earth, but I liked to think that perhaps they would uphold the values of the country despite their character flaws. Boy was I wrong.

I don't know if you have been paying attention, but this last week and a half, members of congress have gone on a campaign against Rush Limbaugh, calling for him to be taken off the air in much the same manner of Opie and Anthony, Don Imus and others who have said something unpopular. The difference being that those were managerial decisions. We have crossed the line. The government is calling for someone that they don't like to be taken off the air, and it is now well established that the accusations against Mr. Limbaugh are false. It is simply a move to silence someone who is not controlled by a traditional media machine due to his popularity.

The main source for the attack on Mr. Limbaugh, is none other than a spin machine of Hillary Clinton called Media Matters. Don't take my word for it, take Mrs. Clinton's word. "We are certainly better prepared and more focused on, you know, taking our arguments and making them effective and disseminating them widely and really putting together a network in the blogosphere, and a lot of the new progressive infrastructure, institutions that I helped to start and support, like Media Matters and Center for American Progress." (August 4, while speaking at the YearlyKos convention in Chicago)

The accusation is that Mr. Limbaugh does not support any military person who does not agree with him and calls them phony soldiers. It is an outright lie. Anyone who knows anything about Mr. Limbaugh knows better. I will not go into it here, because it is a well established fact that he is one of the most ardent supporters of the U.S. Military that there is in the media.

This attack on Mr. Limbaugh by the Clinton spin machine is not really all that shocking given the history of the Clinton's that has so embarrassingly been shown on international TV. What is shocking is that it would actually come to AN ATTACK ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS??!! What on earth is going on? This congress is trying to put an end to free political speech? Are we paying attention to who we elect?

Lets name some names shall we? Well we can start with Hillary Clinton, given that it is her "news" organization. Lets not forget when her husband was president and she said she held the military in contempt. How about Harry Reid ... hey didn't he call the military a bunch of terrorists and Nazis? Jack Murtha ... this is the jerk that accused our troops of killing civilians for fun and raping children. Tom Harkin is another jumping on this Clinton bandwagon. Maybe because Harkin knows a thing or two about phony claims regarding military service. During his 1992 presidential campaign, Harkin claimed he served as a pilot in Vietnam. And when he ran for the Senate in 1984, Harkin said he had flown combat missions in Vietnam. But after changing his story several times, Harkin eventually admitted he had not flown combat missions in Vietnam, and he began describing himself as a Vietnam-era veteran. Not only had he not flown combat missions in Vietnam, he had not served there.

I could go on, but what is the point? They are lying COMMUNIST scum all the way around.

Why would I say such a radical thing? Its simple, these people are using their political power to try to silence someone that they do not like simply because they can. It is the tactic of every communist totalitarian that has ever existed, and in this country we have certain rights.
Such as:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

If you want Rush in his own words, here is the link:

There are also lots of others telling the truth about this if you google it.

Rush Limbaugh today, your church, political group or charity club tomorrow.

Please lets stop this before we need to use the second amendment to fix it. It is no accident that this congress has the lowest approval rating in history. Vote these people out.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Loyal Readers

Thank you to my loyal readers. Unfortunately I have been very busy the last few days, but rest assured that I will be back to my old self, hopefully later today.