Thursday, November 15, 2007


I missed Halloween last year as I was out working in a remote place and we had little time for fun. But my friends and I have discussed how stores seem to bring Christmas earlier and earlier every year. I was never sure, but this year, I saw Christmas decorations and heard Christmas music starting about October 10th! What happened to Thanksgiving?

Has anyone else noticed this?


Eisbär said...

Does anyone speak Portuguese?

kristina said...

lol! not me.

There are radio stations here that have already started the 24 hour Christmas music. I will be sick of Christmas by the time it comes.

judi/Gmj said...

Can you get spammed in Portuguese?
And was that something about using a "large bandaid" and isn't dinheiro money? I flunked my spanish test.

Christmas is largely hype anymore and Thanksgiving is in NOvember and a pain in the butt, say Turkey!

Eisbär said...

I can read some of the words but it isn't close enough to spanish for me to get .