Sunday, November 18, 2007

When I Will Die

Against my better judgment, I let someone talk me into taking one of those silly online tests about when I will die. It asks you all kinds of questions about your stress level and general outlook, eating, smoking, weight etc.

Well, I found out that I only have about 10 to 15 years more to live due to the fact that I am apparently morbidly obese. I am apparently at extreme high risk for heart attack, stroke and Type II Diabetes.

Although I admit that I am somewhat chubby, I am constantly being told by everyone who knows me that I do not look fat at all.

I have a hard time believing any of this crap.


judi/Gmj said...

Ha! you gave them enough info to figure your BMI? Stick it in their ears! Modify you diet, don't eat that bacon (HA), switch to whiskey, no beer which is worse for hearts and Type II diabetes... unless your BP is not elevated, then just carry on as if there is no tomorrow! How long do you want to live? Quality vs Quanity ... never mind these are old folk questions not for bears in their prime!

Eisbär said...

yes well, they have no idea about how much muscle I carry so, what do they know

judi/Gmj said...

:) yeah, what do they know!