Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving In Iraq

During this time of year I am always reminded of those who are over fighting to free us all. I got in an argument a few days ago with someone who said that we are a murderous occupying force and that the Iraqi people were better off before. I know that there are a lot of Iraqis that disagree, so to those people, I give you the cyber finger.

Happy Thanksgiving. Remember to give thanks that you are here, instead of there.


judi/Gmj said...

And I give thanks that YOU are here and not there! Have a good holiday! Are you going to be with family or someone near?

Eisbär said...

I have some family I will see. Thank you for saying so.

judi/Gmj said...

Good! I won't worry that you are alone. Have a whiskey straight up for me. :)

Eisbär said...

OK! I will

Anonymous said...


Thanksgiving is different for me without my husband here, but I know that he is making Thanksgiving in Iraq worthwhile for the most part.

Eisbär said...

USMCW ... You better believe that he is! Tell him a Ranger blogger sends him a big HOOAH!