Friday, November 2, 2007

Silent Treatment

How do you express your displeasure with the people you interact with?

In my life, I try to be as up front with people as possible. I like to put things right out in the open, in a constructive kind of way. I like to be treated fairly and expect the same in return. If there is a problem, I expect reasonable discourse.

This is not the case with the vast majority of people I know in my life. Most people I know give the silent treatment. You may get a, "Go away" or a "leave me alone" but that is it. Silence.

The beauty of this is that I have no idea what is wrong or what can be done to fix it. It is, without a doubt, the most maddening thing that I have ever had done to me. And, everyone seems to prefer this method of communicating.

Add to the stupidity, if I try to figure out what is wrong, and get them to talk to me, I will eventually get into trouble for being mean and not leaving them alone. Now I am really screwed. This really sucks if you happen to be married to the person that does this.

I don't really have anything more to say about this except that I am about at a point in my life where if people have a problem and won't talk to me, then they don't need to be around me.


judi/Gmj said...

I agree, lets fight, get it out in the open, resolve it and move on, if that be together good, if apart fine. Just .... or get of the pot. I thought T. and I were the only people who were most likely to verbalize this choice. Glad you are out there.

kristina said...

I don't like to fight, but I don't do the silent treatment either. Yucky picture.

Eisbär said...

Yea, way out there sometimes it seems. I really hate that.

Eisbär said...

My X wife comes to mind first and foremost.