Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Irish Songs

I have notice a new trend which is disturbing me greatly. Apparently, after years of being considered one of the largest nerd dorks in the world for liking such a thing, Irish Folk music (which I am a singer of) is becoming popular. There are a lot of people claiming to be an athority and telling me now.

Yet for some reason, they are unable to tell me what any of the songs are even about, let alone who sings them or whatever.

For instance, (besides my Irish friends who know who they are. Hi Sharon!) who knows what the easter rebellion is or why it was important? When was it? What is a Black 'n Tan (if you say a drink i will punch you)and what does it mean that "My father was orange and my mother was green?"

Also, stop giving Flogging Molly credit for every f-ing song you hear. For instance "Kiss my Irish Ass" is not a Flogging Molly song.

This is why I hate when things go pop. It suck all the meaning out of it and makes it one more thing to be sold.


kristina said...

You are going to have to find something dorky to like until Irish music goes out of style again.

Eisbär said...

Looks like it huh? That shouldn't be hard for me to do. I can always fall back on theology and astronomy ... physics ... stuff like that.

judi/Gmj said...

Humm taking a chance here on getting thumped, a black and tan is a hound dog? :)

Eisbär said...

A black and tan was a member of the English occupying force in Ireland. Since england didn't have enough black occupational police uniforms to go around, the let many of the recruits wear their tan WWI uniforms. Thus they were known as a 'Black 'n Tan'

No one Irish would order a Black 'n Tan on St. Pats because it is English beer hovering over the top of Irish beer.

judi/Gmj said...

and isnt orange and green r/t Catholic and Protestant? Oh child of the 80's, :)

Eisbär said...

Yes, the Green are the Catholics and the Orange are the Protestants ... also the split between those who want an independent Ireland and want to be part of the UK.

The Orangemen are perhaps the most well known protestant group and of course the IRA the Catholic group.

judi/Gmj said...

Let's move on to astronomy... or physics and stuff like that. I do so love learning something new. TIC

Eisbär said...

It is comming

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