Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Border Patrol Strikes Back

These jerks got what they deserve.


kristina said...

I am not sure what was going on.

Eisbär said...

What the video doesn't do a good job of showing is that the protesters are out of their picket zone. That fence there is the international border fence and POE for Caliexico. Mexico is on the other side of the gate and there were people attempting to break through on the other side. Essentially the border patrol is in between the protesters and the Mexicans. The protesters were also not going back to where they were supposed to be and the scuddlebutt is that they were going to try to help the Mexicans through. It was apparently some kind of "open border" group that was protesting.

They are lucky all they got was shoved back and shot with the paint gun.

kristina said...

oohhh. I see.

Eisbär said...

Ok, it has been brought to my attention that there was some ass spanking with the batons going on. Still, I think they got off easy.