Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Makes You Happy? (Part 2)

So what else makes people happy? Lots of people tell me love. But you see how people treat their love in this society. The divorce rate is close to 60% and if you look at it for people ages 20- 50, then it is pushing 80%. Is that love? Not really. No one wants to be with someone through good times and bad, they want endless good times and if that doesn't happen, then they are out. It doesn't mean they leave maybe, but they check out emotionally maybe, or cheat on their spouse. Is that love?

Some people expect the other person to do what they are told and that will make them happy. So many people try to turn the other person into what they think will make them happy that they make the other person miserable. Is that love?

The truth is that love does not always make you happy in the exact moment. Ice cream is what does that, unless you are lactose intolerant. Love is what makes you happy to hold someone's shoulders so that they don't fall in the toilet when they are puking, and though you may not like it, your happy that you are there for your love. Love makes the other person more important to you than anything that makes you happy. And strange enough, you are happy to give it up. Love is what makes the other person refuse to let you give it up.

Will love make you happy? Yes, if you are lucky enough to truly have love. But love is work. Hard work that often sucks. And if your idea of love is to have something easy that never sucks, then you want ice cream.

There is a huge pitfall with love too. In order for it to work, you have to have someone who loves you and will work as hard at it as you will. If this isn't the case then love will not make you happy, it will make you more miserable than anything else possibly could. That is the risk of love.

The truly aggravating thing is that the only way to find out if you will be happy with someone is to try and risk being more unhappy than you ever thought possible or wanted to be.

So I am full circle with where this blog started.
What is it that you want?


Anonymous said...

What makes me happy? Paying all of my bills in one month with money left over. My family, my friends. Reading the books I love, watching a movie that entertains me. They're simple things. What WOULD I love? A job I half way enjoyed that would allow me to live a little better and have savings, a job I LIKED!! Someone special in my life. The latter being the hardest to come by when you don't trust anyone. I think that's what makes me happy. It's hard to say. I don't feel it very often.

judi/Gmj said...

"Why, World Peace.", said the Ms. ... beauty contestant. :)
As for me, I enjoy a good giggle and you are so right about possessions possessing us. At 60 I could care less about "owning" anything. I do periodically check to make sure I am breathing in and out, that is a good thing. I do not like to be crowded, so a arm's length away from anyone makes me happy. :)

Eisbär said...

Recently I have often wondered why I don't take the risks that I did years ago. I decided that it was because I am afraid to loose what I have gained in the meantime ... That is no longer acceptable to me. I have some risks in the works again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely, I don't take risks like I used to either. For the same reasons. After so many years of same, change is too scary.

kristina said...

Love is like a teeter-totter. Sometimes the other person jumps off while you are in midair.

Anonymous said...

You know Kris, I don't think I've ever heard it described better. Hat's off to you.