Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Florida Student Tasered: Who is the Truly Stupid?

So the word is out. This jack-o-ninny that burst into the speech of John Kerry and refused to leave when the police ordered him to, and as a result got tasered, was just looking to get himself on the news as a left wing publicity stunt. He has confessed to the whole business as being a giant prank to get people to pay attention to him. He even paid someone to video the whole thing so that it was sure to get on the news.

He also told the police that they did a wonderful job and showed a lot of restraint. "I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to do your job," Meyer said, according to the police report. Well, at least the police are on the ball ... this is a test, this is only a test, if i had been a real psyco ....

What does Kerry have to say about this? "In 37 years of public appearances, through wars, protests and highly emotional events, I have never had a dialogue end this way," he said in the statement. "I believe I could have handled the situation without interruption..."

Well thanks John, good to know you can do the job of a dozen police. I always said you were in the wrong line of work.

There are charges of police brutality being filed of course. We can never let people who risk their lives and/or safety go unpunished for doing their best job.

So here comes the real kicker! Chris Matthews says that the incident is Bush's fault!! He has created a fascist police state! Riiiiight. This is as insane as when the media said it was Bush's fault that the I35-W bridge fell in the river in Minneapolis. Do these people know how insane they sound?

I have really grown to hate the media.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My reaction to stupid news like that is it must have been a slow news day. They couldn't talk about OJ?