Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hate on Parade at Columbia University

I can't help but wonder why it is that some place like Columbia University would invite someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be a part of a lecture series for distinguished scholars. What distinguishes this yahoo? His insistence that Jews be wiped off the face of the earth? How about the idea that the holocaust didn't happen?

Yes, but this is a free speech issue! Actually, no it is not. This guy has a world platform to say whatever he wants and uses it constantly. I also don't care what he says nor do I think that anyone could stop him anyway. That isn't the point. Why Columbia? What did this jerk add to the academic environment? I hear all kinds of praise about 'diversity' and 'open minds' yet I don't see what any of that has to do with inviting someone in who is against such things.

I don't want to leave the impression that I am against letting this jerk talk. In fact, I am all for it! I just wonder who is taking him seriously as a legitimate scholar? Should Stalin have been invited too? Maybe we can get more dictators to come and present themselves as if what they stand for should be taken seriously.

I don't see a free flow of intelligent information. I see a free flow of ignorance and hate.
Someone please tell me if I am wrong.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Considering his current relationship with us, how the hell was he able to get in the country anyway?

Eisbär said...

Diplomatic immunity because he is part of the UN... you know, the good old UN that we should do whatever they say....

Anonymous said...

That's right....see how much attention I pay to the UN?