Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Stupidity Strikes Back

At the end of this post is a video of the brain donor that decided it would be a good idea to burst into some kind of political gathering and begin shouting in an irrational manner over the speaker. He then refused to leave when he was told, and then, in a blinding flash of brilliant and well planned stratagem, decided to single handedly take on a dozen campus police as they attempt to escort him from the building, and fight his way free so that he can resume shouting.

Needless to say, this turned out to be a bad plan. (who knew that one skinny kid really COULDN'T fight off a dozen cops!?) The police, showing more restraint that they probably should have warned him several times that if he didn't stop resisting, that he would be tasered. The MENSA member in question continued to shout and fight, screaming things such as, "I didn't do anything! Free speech! Help!" and other such nonsense until he was finally tased and drug off.

Some are saying that this is an issue of free speech. Perhaps, but here is another school of thought:

1. You may have the right to say any asinine thing that you would like, but NO ONE is obligated to listen to you bellow like a jackass. You have the right to say it, we have the right to ignore you.

2. You do not have the right to talk during someone else's event. If you want to talk in the lecture hall, rent it yourself!

3. You have the right to fight the police when they try to make you leave, but this will get you hurt, or jailed, or both. Expecting less is stupid on levels that cannot be measured.

One final word. As a former Federal Agent, I have been tasered, gassed, OC'd (it's a high power hot sauce that burns your face and eyes for days, and on some people, like me, creates intestinal problems, and is without a doubt the worst punishment I have ever endured) hit with steel batons, and just plain hit, kicked etc. I can say without a doubt that riding the taser's lightning for 3 seconds, while not fun, is the best out of all the options available. Excuse me for not feeling to sorry that you got zapped for three seconds for your stupidity.

Such is are thoughts on this subject.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, you've gotta love stupid people, how else would be entertained?