Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Baby Haters United

Ok, I don't really hate babies, but there are some things that have been discussed in my limited social circle of late. One of those things is parents who allow their screaming and/or misbehaving child to run rampant and act as if nothing is wrong. As one of my friends wrote in his blog:

"...a blood curdling scream from a child erupted causing me to drop my fork and snap my head around to see a three year old throwing a temper tantrum two tables away from me. The kid was upset about something, I'm not sure what, and kept bellowing. Interestingly, the parents kept eating their meal like nothing was wrong, even though the whole restaurant had come to a complete standstill.

I also happened to be visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles not long ago to renew my license. As I was getting ready to pay my bill, the room exploded with the screaming of another toddler. Again, the parents simply went about their business like nothing was wrong."

Now, if I am in McDonalds, I expect this behavior, and I would be a fool not to, but I have had experiences like this one where the only excuse is poor parenting.

For instance, I was at my favorite Irish pub one evening .... no it was night ... 10:47 at night. That is 22:47 for us 24 hour clock people. This Irish pub serves NO FOOD at all. There are three things going on there: Drinking, smoking and singing. I happened to be doing all three.

Another thing I was doing was ignoring 3 toddlers that were screaming and running around the bar. I smoke a pipe (tobacco only thank you) and was relaxing. The children kept running around me and screaming. To my utter shock, their mother slammed down her drink (yes she was the sole parent with the children, and drinking) and came over to me and began to berate me about how I would "dare to SMOKE around her children!"

I finally had enough and asked her why she had 3 toddlers in a bar at 10:45 at night, to which she began to scream at me about "how DARE I tell her how to raise her children!?"

This is a pattern I see repeated over and over. "Here I am with my screaming kid(s) that I refuse to treat and care for properly. I don't nap them, I don't discipline them, I don't feed them on a schedule, and I take them all kinds of places that they don't belong, but you are going to deal with me and them, and if you DARE to say anything, I will throw a fit too! Maybe sue you or at least annoy you with threats."

If you have a story like this, please share it in my blog comments.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree, parents these days don't seem to have a clue. For people without children and who don't want children, it creates an extremely uncomfortable environment. People need to just shut up and take care of their kids properly.

Anonymous said...

My favorite saying of all time, Stupid People Shouldn't Breed. Says it all, may I give an example? Britney Spears. Enough said. I wouldn't necessarily say baby haters, just people who know how birth control works.

judi/Gmj said...

Ah.. kindred spirited human!! I do so dislike bratty kids and parents who don't know sic'em from come here. My most recent episode, you may know this story, involves airport rush, puke, inclosed area and summer heat. I recently told my landlord not to have more children. He has one. :O)

Anonymous said...

A now estranged friend, who's daughter is my goddaughter was just horrible to her kids, I hated it. One day I made the comment, now we don't talk. She made a trip with me to MN when my parents lived there, always wanted to make a second trip, but wanted to take the kids. I said absolutely not, six-eight hours in a vehicle with two kids who don't behave? And then she just assumed my mother would babysit while we were off running around, maybe I wanted her to come along? Some people just don't get it.

Eisbär said...

Oh I love the hot puke stories! I actually love children, but they MUST be kept under control, or they may just kill a fat kid and take his glasses. (Lord of the Flies)