Friday, September 28, 2007

Suburban Nazis and the Secret Police

Suburbia, the refuge of the middle class city dweller that finally has fought their way up the dung heap of life to the point that he can finally own a little piece of the pie, and get out of the urban apartment. Or maybe you are leaving the house in the city built so close to your neighbor that you split the cable bill with him because the his TV is closer to your couch than your kitchen is. So you have your house in suburbia to get away from it all and can do what you want in privacy, raise your kids or just live in a nice neighborhood with friendly neighbors and ... but wait, you discover that this is not the case.

The myth is shattered and you discover that where you have really moved is the land of high anxiety and paranoia where everyone is watching everyone else's every move. Your coming and going, time and date is duly recorded by several neighbors who will ask snidely during their morning stroll, "Where were YOU off to at 11:00 PM last night?" Retirees with nothing better to do patrol the street looking for any infringement, such as yard wall a few inches over the 6 foot legal maximum, or some minor alteration to the landscaping out of step with the city ordinance ... "Did you get a building permit to install that barbecue pad in your back yard?"

Then there are the secret police. These people are not the real police. They are the private policing companies that are hired to enforce the laws that the real police wish to God, hell, the Governor or anyone else who they think they could appeal to, didn't exist. These are the laws that say things like, it is illegal to smoke (tobacco people! nothing else) in your back yard if your yard is within 20 yards of your neighbors house. Or it is illegal to change the oil of your car in your driveway. Or it is illegal to hang your laundry outside to dry. Or you can't have a concrete barbecue pad under your grill. These are the complaints that make the real police want to choke citizens to death. So the secret suburban police are born.

You are given your card with the anonymous tip line to turn in these lawless perpetrators that dare to smoke outside in their own yard while grilling a burger over a concrete pad. Your identity as a squealer will be protected so you can go around being a neighborhood pain in the ass with complete impunity.

I thankfully live in a developing area that does not yet have endless houses and regulations yet. I have 5 empty lots around me, and if i could afford it, I would buy them to keep the Suburban Nazis away from me. I also have a 6ft. brick wall around my back yard, in the interest of good relations with any future neighbors. Never the less, there is a retiree that has measured my wall several times, "Just making sure" that it is not over the 6ft. legal limit prescribed by my county building inspector. After the 5th or so time, it is still within regulations.

Maybe next week that bad boy will grow an inch or two so he can use that tip line.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Makes You Happy? (Part 2)

So what else makes people happy? Lots of people tell me love. But you see how people treat their love in this society. The divorce rate is close to 60% and if you look at it for people ages 20- 50, then it is pushing 80%. Is that love? Not really. No one wants to be with someone through good times and bad, they want endless good times and if that doesn't happen, then they are out. It doesn't mean they leave maybe, but they check out emotionally maybe, or cheat on their spouse. Is that love?

Some people expect the other person to do what they are told and that will make them happy. So many people try to turn the other person into what they think will make them happy that they make the other person miserable. Is that love?

The truth is that love does not always make you happy in the exact moment. Ice cream is what does that, unless you are lactose intolerant. Love is what makes you happy to hold someone's shoulders so that they don't fall in the toilet when they are puking, and though you may not like it, your happy that you are there for your love. Love makes the other person more important to you than anything that makes you happy. And strange enough, you are happy to give it up. Love is what makes the other person refuse to let you give it up.

Will love make you happy? Yes, if you are lucky enough to truly have love. But love is work. Hard work that often sucks. And if your idea of love is to have something easy that never sucks, then you want ice cream.

There is a huge pitfall with love too. In order for it to work, you have to have someone who loves you and will work as hard at it as you will. If this isn't the case then love will not make you happy, it will make you more miserable than anything else possibly could. That is the risk of love.

The truly aggravating thing is that the only way to find out if you will be happy with someone is to try and risk being more unhappy than you ever thought possible or wanted to be.

So I am full circle with where this blog started.
What is it that you want?

What Makes You Happy? (Part 1)

What is it that you want? That is the zillion dollar question isn't it. It always surprises me how many people have no idea what they want when I ask them that. What most everyone says is something like, "I want to be happy." But who knows what that means?

Most people know what doesn't make them happy, but what would make you happy? Then there is the little problem of the things that make you happy come with so many things that make you unhappy that it is impossible to do what makes you happy.

"Money doesn't buy happiness." is the conventional wisdom, and on the face of it, that may be true, but the lack of money brings pure misery. If all you can worry about is how you are going to get your next meal and the fact that you really really need to go to the doctor, have a place to live, buy gas so you can keep going to work and slow the tide of debt washing over you, then you will be very unhappy indeed.

"The things you own end up owning you." What keeps people form following their dream? Successful people say that they got that way by following their dream no matter what and no matter how many times they fail. That is all well and good if you have nothing to loose, but the worst possible situation is to have that little bit that you always wanted and be so afraid of loosing it that you simply refuse to take any risk. You have to wonder what great things someone might accomplish if only they were not beholden to the things that they owned. Perhaps, that house that you always wanted more than anything is the very thing that is now holding you down. Or the car, or condo downtown or whatever.

"I want to help people. Really make a difference in people's (children's or whoever) lives." Very noble. If you want to do this professionally and it will truly truly make you happy, then that is wonderful, but there will be no money given to reward this lifestyle. Ask any member of the clergy. If you are lucky, after 25 years of service, and a little luck, you may be able to make $40,000 a year. Good thing you get holidays off ... oh wait.

If this is what will make you happy, then you must forgo nice housing, cars, medical insurance and things that make most other people happy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hate on Parade at Columbia University

I can't help but wonder why it is that some place like Columbia University would invite someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be a part of a lecture series for distinguished scholars. What distinguishes this yahoo? His insistence that Jews be wiped off the face of the earth? How about the idea that the holocaust didn't happen?

Yes, but this is a free speech issue! Actually, no it is not. This guy has a world platform to say whatever he wants and uses it constantly. I also don't care what he says nor do I think that anyone could stop him anyway. That isn't the point. Why Columbia? What did this jerk add to the academic environment? I hear all kinds of praise about 'diversity' and 'open minds' yet I don't see what any of that has to do with inviting someone in who is against such things.

I don't want to leave the impression that I am against letting this jerk talk. In fact, I am all for it! I just wonder who is taking him seriously as a legitimate scholar? Should Stalin have been invited too? Maybe we can get more dictators to come and present themselves as if what they stand for should be taken seriously.

I don't see a free flow of intelligent information. I see a free flow of ignorance and hate.
Someone please tell me if I am wrong.

Sun Activity

SOHO observed (September 19, 2007) a wide coronal hole that appeared as the large dark area when viewed in this wavelength (284 Angstrom) of extreme ultraviolet light (here) and in X-rays. It has been rotating around towards the center of the Sun over the past week or so. Since coronal holes are 'open' magnetically, strong solar wind gusts can escape from them and carry solar particles out to our magnetosphere and beyond. Solar wind streams take several days to travel from the Sun to Earth, and the coronal holes in which they originate are more likely to affect Earth after they have rotated more than halfway around the visible hemisphere of the Sun, which is almost the case here.

The magnetic field lines in a coronal hole open out into the solar wind rather than connecting to a nearby part of the Sun's surface. High-speed solar wind can have a direct effect on "space weather" near the earth. People living at the higher latitudes may be able to see some fairly colorful auroral displays in the next few days.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Measure of Justice

One of the most difficult problems of all of human history is the problem of evil. At its heart, the lessons on judgment and justice are about fighting evil. There is no need of judge and justice if no act has been committed that requires justice to be dispensed. As the lecture of the degree states, “In our intercourse with others there are two kinds of injustice; the first, of those who offer an injury; the second, of those who have it in their power to avert and injury from those whom it is offered; and do it not.” It is this problem of evil that we see not just as a problem that others create, but one that we are personally involved with. Evil is not just something done to me, but also something done by me. None of us has a life in which no evil befalls us as we go about our business; just as none of us has a life in which he does no evil to another. At least, in part, the answer to the problem of evil lies within me. In the words of the poet William Blake, “Oh Rose, thou art sick!” This fact of evil in humanity is the reason that the lesson of this degree goes most against the natural tenancies of human nature. To over come this nature requires extraordinary growth and strength, and in the end, may be impossible.

It is difficult to define evil in any kind of systematic or philosophical way. Evil has a chaos seemingly built into its very nature that often defies definition. Add to this the post-modern moral relativist position that things are only wrong if a society deems them to be wrong, and the concept of evil floats up and dissolves into the ether. The only way to truthfully speak about evil is in existential terms. Evil is grasped by the mind and felt in its immediacy. It is the pain and abuse of sentient beings and the experience of destruction of creation where we experience evil. Its existence needs no further proof than the human experience: I am; therefore I suffer evil.

Dostoevsky described the immediate existential reality of evil in The Brothers Karamazov: “Imagine a trembling mother with her baby in her arms, a circle of invading Turks around her. They’ve planned a diversion; they pet the baby, laugh to make it laugh. They succeed, the baby laughs. At that moment a Turk points a pistol four inches from the baby’s face. The baby laughs with glee, holds out its little hands to the pistol, and he pulls the trigger in the baby’s face and blows out its brains. Artistic, wasn’t it? … I think that if the Devil doesn’t exist, man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.” The examples of wanton human cruelty and destruction within our own experience are countless. One instance that is shared with all people in North America are the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2007.

In existential experience evil is not an abstraction or a philosophical question, but a real present experience of suffering, pain and destruction done to you, or those you love, friends and neighbors, or even those whom you do not know at all, but whose suffering cries out to you as you watch them on the evening news, leaping to their doom from a top floor of a burning World Trade Center.

The fact that evil is universally present in human experience, in all times, places and experiences, of every mature individual, teaches us that evil is cosmic and pervasive. As Pike says, “If you have wronged another, you may grieve, repent, and resolutely determine against any such any such weakness in the future. You may, so far as it is possible, make reparation. It is well. The injured party may forgive you, according to the meaning of human language; but the deed is done; and all the powers of nature, were they to conspire in your behalf, could not make it undone; the consequences to the body, the consequences to the soul, though no man may perceive them, are there, are written in the annals of the Past, and must reverberate throughout all time.” The past cannot be undone and the consequences of what was done create repercussion that go beyond the initial act itself. This reality goes not just for myself, but for all humanity no only in their individual acts, but in the acts of the society they create, governments they form and the world that they live in.

Finally the effect of evil on the individual creates an immediate and undeniable understanding that evil is an active state that should not be in this reality. It goes contrary to the laws of nature, contrary to human dignity and contrary to the very fabric of being. Evil seeks to undo that which is created. It uses things that are and are generally good, such as tools, nature, or good men, and turns them to destruction. This is not just limited to acts by or against humanity, but to all things that result in unjust destruction of what is good. Evil has penetrated the nature of creation and uses creation to destroy and inflict damage on the rest of creation. Humanity, acting as a moral agent, seeks to restore justice, dignity and trustworthiness to the world that has been affected by evil.

So it is that humanity seeks to judge and dispense justice in a world that teems with injustice. The man that would be judge must fight against what is within his power and nature to do: that which is evil. And so we are brought to the Biblical passage of Mathew 7:1 (NRSV) “Do not judge so that you will not be judged, for with the judgment you make, so too will you be judged, and the measure you give, will be the measure you get.”

The conventional wisdom of our day tells us that this passage warns all people not to judge anything ever. I rather think that this passage is a warning to always remember that you yourself may one day find yourself on the receiving end of judgment, and on that day you should be held to the same standard that you held others to. If you keep this passage in mind, you will not only dispense justice, but also mix that justice with compassion, recognizing the human condition in yourself as well as in the one that will be judged.

It is also an indirect warning that, though the crime may be different, the measure of the lay may be the same. We may personally not have one problem that another is prone to, but we may well have a problem that that same person is not prone to. Remember then that the measure you give is the measure you receive.

One thing that most humans do not do, as a general rule, is imagine themselves in the role or position of another. Even a person interested in justice or mercy may not pause to examine the circumstance that has led another to the place that the other finds himself in life. Learning to put yourself in the place of another with their weaknesses and problems runs contrary to the nature of the human individual. This is truly the heart of the biblical lesson about judgment. If you put yourself in their place, in your own place and in the place of the good of society then the judgment you render will be a truly just judgment and you, in honesty would hope that in the same situation, that you would be judged the same.

The burden of judgment is to grow beyond what you are. Anyone can judge from the perspective of their own self, but can you grow beyond that and into an individual that can truly dispense justice? It is this task of growth that makes the lessons of justice and judgment some of the most difficult for humanity to truly grasp and grow into.

Stupid News of the Day

It seems that teenagers go out drinking to get drunk!!! WOW REALLY?!? Whats next? Thirsty people wanting water? Hungry people wanting food? Lonely people wanting a friend? Yet another example of how the media has no interest in reporting actual news.

Disturbing Youth Trend: Drinking to Get Drunk!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Officer Down

I have wanted to blog this, but I have been too mad and upset. This was the headline form the news Monday.

Phoenix Police officer Nick Erlie was shot and killed by Erik Jovani Martinez, an illegal who previously was deported and had an arrest warrant. Martinez was shot and killed by police after taking a hostage. He had been arrested eight times.

The officer stopped to tell some men to stop jay-walking, when he was shot. The alien also took a hostage before other police officers shot and killed him.

Protests began around the city about "Poor Droopy" (the dirbag's street name) and how he was unfairly gunned down by the police. For all of those who feel that way: screw you, you should all be tossed out of this country.

I was so disgusted by this that I practically foamed at the mouth. "Droopy" was nothing but a gang banging, drug running, street criminal. He had more warrants than he could count and all his aliases had warrants too. He was the lowest of the low. I don't care how many "home girls" he had. I don't care about any of that. He was a criminal.

Thursday the counter reaction began. The Latino community of Phoenix started protesting and showing their support for the Phoenix police and demanding the federal government secure the border. Thank God!

It is time to cut the racial crap and be untied against illegal aliens and the gang crime that comes across the border. We must be united against crime if we will put an end to this kind of violence. Thank you the Mexican-Americans who have supported our country in this. I am proud to call you fellow Americans today.

For the rest of you, go to hell. I have no use for anyone who supports criminals.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Crock About Crocs

At rail stations and shopping malls around the world, reports are popping up of people, particularly young children, getting their toes caught in escalators. The one common theme seems to be the clunky soft-soled clogs known by the name of the most popular brand, Crocs.

One of the nation's largest subway systems — the Washington Metro — has even posted ads warning riders about wearing such shoes on its moving stairways. The ads feature a photo of a crocodile, though they don't mention Crocs by name. -Fox News

I once worked in a hospital ER. I saw a lady get her skin caught in the escalator rail some how. People get pants caught, coats in subways etc...

I have an idea! In order to protect us from ourselves, lets all live in padded bubbles! Good lord! Once again media ... get a grip.

Florida Student Tasered: Who is the Truly Stupid?

So the word is out. This jack-o-ninny that burst into the speech of John Kerry and refused to leave when the police ordered him to, and as a result got tasered, was just looking to get himself on the news as a left wing publicity stunt. He has confessed to the whole business as being a giant prank to get people to pay attention to him. He even paid someone to video the whole thing so that it was sure to get on the news.

He also told the police that they did a wonderful job and showed a lot of restraint. "I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to do your job," Meyer said, according to the police report. Well, at least the police are on the ball ... this is a test, this is only a test, if i had been a real psyco ....

What does Kerry have to say about this? "In 37 years of public appearances, through wars, protests and highly emotional events, I have never had a dialogue end this way," he said in the statement. "I believe I could have handled the situation without interruption..."

Well thanks John, good to know you can do the job of a dozen police. I always said you were in the wrong line of work.

There are charges of police brutality being filed of course. We can never let people who risk their lives and/or safety go unpunished for doing their best job.

So here comes the real kicker! Chris Matthews says that the incident is Bush's fault!! He has created a fascist police state! Riiiiight. This is as insane as when the media said it was Bush's fault that the I35-W bridge fell in the river in Minneapolis. Do these people know how insane they sound?

I have really grown to hate the media.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Baby Haters United

Ok, I don't really hate babies, but there are some things that have been discussed in my limited social circle of late. One of those things is parents who allow their screaming and/or misbehaving child to run rampant and act as if nothing is wrong. As one of my friends wrote in his blog:

"...a blood curdling scream from a child erupted causing me to drop my fork and snap my head around to see a three year old throwing a temper tantrum two tables away from me. The kid was upset about something, I'm not sure what, and kept bellowing. Interestingly, the parents kept eating their meal like nothing was wrong, even though the whole restaurant had come to a complete standstill.

I also happened to be visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles not long ago to renew my license. As I was getting ready to pay my bill, the room exploded with the screaming of another toddler. Again, the parents simply went about their business like nothing was wrong."

Now, if I am in McDonalds, I expect this behavior, and I would be a fool not to, but I have had experiences like this one where the only excuse is poor parenting.

For instance, I was at my favorite Irish pub one evening .... no it was night ... 10:47 at night. That is 22:47 for us 24 hour clock people. This Irish pub serves NO FOOD at all. There are three things going on there: Drinking, smoking and singing. I happened to be doing all three.

Another thing I was doing was ignoring 3 toddlers that were screaming and running around the bar. I smoke a pipe (tobacco only thank you) and was relaxing. The children kept running around me and screaming. To my utter shock, their mother slammed down her drink (yes she was the sole parent with the children, and drinking) and came over to me and began to berate me about how I would "dare to SMOKE around her children!"

I finally had enough and asked her why she had 3 toddlers in a bar at 10:45 at night, to which she began to scream at me about "how DARE I tell her how to raise her children!?"

This is a pattern I see repeated over and over. "Here I am with my screaming kid(s) that I refuse to treat and care for properly. I don't nap them, I don't discipline them, I don't feed them on a schedule, and I take them all kinds of places that they don't belong, but you are going to deal with me and them, and if you DARE to say anything, I will throw a fit too! Maybe sue you or at least annoy you with threats."

If you have a story like this, please share it in my blog comments.

Stupidity Strikes Back

At the end of this post is a video of the brain donor that decided it would be a good idea to burst into some kind of political gathering and begin shouting in an irrational manner over the speaker. He then refused to leave when he was told, and then, in a blinding flash of brilliant and well planned stratagem, decided to single handedly take on a dozen campus police as they attempt to escort him from the building, and fight his way free so that he can resume shouting.

Needless to say, this turned out to be a bad plan. (who knew that one skinny kid really COULDN'T fight off a dozen cops!?) The police, showing more restraint that they probably should have warned him several times that if he didn't stop resisting, that he would be tasered. The MENSA member in question continued to shout and fight, screaming things such as, "I didn't do anything! Free speech! Help!" and other such nonsense until he was finally tased and drug off.

Some are saying that this is an issue of free speech. Perhaps, but here is another school of thought:

1. You may have the right to say any asinine thing that you would like, but NO ONE is obligated to listen to you bellow like a jackass. You have the right to say it, we have the right to ignore you.

2. You do not have the right to talk during someone else's event. If you want to talk in the lecture hall, rent it yourself!

3. You have the right to fight the police when they try to make you leave, but this will get you hurt, or jailed, or both. Expecting less is stupid on levels that cannot be measured.

One final word. As a former Federal Agent, I have been tasered, gassed, OC'd (it's a high power hot sauce that burns your face and eyes for days, and on some people, like me, creates intestinal problems, and is without a doubt the worst punishment I have ever endured) hit with steel batons, and just plain hit, kicked etc. I can say without a doubt that riding the taser's lightning for 3 seconds, while not fun, is the best out of all the options available. Excuse me for not feeling to sorry that you got zapped for three seconds for your stupidity.

Such is are thoughts on this subject.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Teachers Troubles

A teacher wrote this about the first day teaching Freshman English after having taught Juniors for several years. I was entertained.

Acrostic To Bear

I'm clueless when it comes to freshmen. I make no pretense to the contrary. I don't get them and probably won't ever get them (if I'm lucky). So, as I was scrambling around these last couple of days, I started hounding my fellow English teachers, trying to get advice as to what to do (and not to do) with them. I got a lot of advice; I'm just not sure how much of it was useful.

"Don't ever turn your back on them. Ever."

"You gotta' let 'em know who is in charge. Try carrying a baseball bat around the room the first week."

"They have very simple brains. Kinda' like dogs. Except, dogs clean themselves now and then."

"Don't feed them after midnight."

"Just hold on for dear life. And, if you haven't already, you may want to take out a life insurance policy."

None of these pearls of wisdom were overly comforting. The only real bit of advice I got was from someone who taught Freshman English last year. She suggested I have them do acrostic poems of their names the first week (justification: it keeps them occupied, you might learn some of their names, you have something to hang up on the walls for Open House, and, whether you want to or not, you might just learn something about them). For the uninitiated, there are a few variations on the acrostic poem, but they're all essentially the same. For the freshmen, the advice was "keep it simple, stupid." Just ask them to come up with one word for each letter in their names and (hopefully) they will create a "poem" that says something about themselves.

Or something.

See the results below. What I'd give to write a little real commentary on them.

J esus
E ats
S ushi
S ometimes
E veryday

Make up your mind, kid. Does your lord and savior eat trendy Japanese dishes from time to time or habitually? I mean, I always knew he had a thing for fish, just not raw fish.

S o
T oday
E verything's
P retty
H orrible
E ven
N ow

I guess he's glad to be back in school? Seriously, though -- let's just skip straight to the Dark Romantics for this kid.

A ll
N ight
G reat
E xpectations
L urk
A foot

I complemented her for the literary allusion. Unfortunately, she responded that she didn't even know that there was a book called Night Great.

M ostly
E verything

I wonder if there's a schedule change form called "Remove Ted Bundy From Class"?

L ittle
A ssumptions
U pset
R evolving
E lephants
N owadays

This one's a rewrite. I wouldn't accept "Ass." Sadly, I think the original made more sense.

B ustin'
R hymes
E veryday
T ill
T uesday

Easy there Vanilla Ice. Don't wanna' lose your street cred by doing a school assignment.

K eep
A ll
Y our
L imbs
A float

Yes. That's always good advice, I suppose.

L ong
S tay
A wake

She finished the first minute and then took a nap on her desk.

D ustin
D U stin
Du S tin
Dus T in
Dust I n
Dusti N

There's my kid that confuses being clever with being lazy. There's one every year. Unfortunately, this is probably the last assignment this year that he will put his name on an assignment.

I guess the whole thing could have gone worse, but we're only in the first week. I've got an entire year to go with Freshmen, and I'm afraid this may have been my best day.

In keeping with the spirit of the assignment, I came up with this acrostic about coping with my situation.

H oping
E nough
L iquor will
P alliate

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Other Natural Causes of Global Warming

A new analysis of peer-reviewed literature reveals that more than 500 scientists have published evidence refuting at least one element of current man-made global warming scares. More than 300 of the scientists found evidence that 1) a natural moderate 1,500-year climate cycle has produced more than a dozen global warmings similar to ours since the last Ice Age and/or that 2) our Modern Warming is linked strongly to variations in the sun's irradiance. "This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850," said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery.,176495.shtml

The Solar Connection To Global Warming

It may be that the Sun is the primary cause of global warming, and not just greenhouse gases from human activity!