Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sending Our Heros to Jail

Mexico is withholding key witnesses that could exonerate Border Patrol agent Nicholas Corbett of second-degree murder charges and paying for others to testify against him, asserts a union leader.

Brandon Judd, vice president of U.S. Border Patrol Union Local 2544, told WND the Mexican consulate is taking care of all the expenses of three Mexican witnesses to the shooting so they can remain in the U.S. to testify against Corbett.

Corbett has been indicted on second-degree murder charges in Cochise County Superior Court in Bisbee, Ariz., in connection with the shooting Jan. 12 of Francisco Javier Dominguez Rivera, a 22-year old illegal immigrant from Mexico who allegedly was threatening to throw a rock at the officer.

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

I am sick and tired of stories like this one. The facts of the matter are that this illegal alien was a guide for smuggling illegal aliens and was throwing rocks at the Border Agent that was effecting the arrest! Agent Corbett was alone attempting to arrest the group with backup over 30 min. away. The illegal alien was encouraging the others to help him take out the agent. Agent Corbett did what he had to do to protect himself.

We continue to send our country's heroes to jail for doing their jobs. If this continues we will no longer have anyone to the things that need to be done to protect us in this country. Every time we turn around our government is coddling a criminal and sending another hero to jail. It is time for this to stop.


Anonymous said...

NO S$#T! So what can the average person do? Keep us posted...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!