Monday, August 13, 2007

Make Up Your Mind!!

A national assembly of Evangelical Lutherans urged its bishops Saturday to refrain from defrocking gay and lesbian ministers who violate a celibacy rule, but rejected measures that would have permitted ordaining gays churchwide.

Still, advocates for full inclusion of gays were encouraged, calling the resolution a powerful statement in support of clergy with same-gender partners. The conservative group Lutheran CORE, however, said bishops will now feel more secure in ignoring denomination policy.


So what is it going to be? I am sick and tired of the constant fighting and endless studies. Why have policy if you are allowed to ignore it? Make a decision and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps the reason that this church is shrinking so fast is that they do not stand for anything. Instead of looking to what they can give to the world, they look only at what they will do with themselves.

For those worried that they church will die, maybe it should.

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