Friday, August 10, 2007

Song of the Forgotten

I wrote this for a friend of mine that was having some troubles a few years ago. I thought I would share, since it is less on the kreepy side than the poems I usually write.

Song of the Forgotten

its not true that no one understands or could understand and care
its just hard to find someone who understands how complicated you are
hurts so bad you don’t know what to do
and your night is just starting as others days are through

can you be alone with yourself just one more time
can you sit with yourself and still be just fine
you wade through the hours between night and day
cuz the sleep you don’t want won’t come anyway

talk to a stranger and call them your friend
could they really even care about you in the end
you don’t really believe it you don’t dare try
you try not to be sad and try not to cry

but night after night its coming again
what I would give to sit with one real friend

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