Thursday, December 13, 2007

Truly Senseless

Perhaps I don't have anything to say today that makes any sense, or maybe I am just feeling perverse, but I was thinking about some commercials from a few years ago that were both amazing and terrible to behold. The first time I saw one of them I was very sick and on strong meds. I thought I was having a very messed up hallucination. If only that had been the case...

And another!


judi/Gmj said...

Oh no you don't, I won't even watch Quizzno stuff ever again!! Totally sicko things, grosses me out.

Eisbär said...

They got a pepper bar!

T said...

and they are toasted!

judi/Gmj said...

Lets just eat the peppers,toasted!!

kristina said...

LOL!! You guys are so funny!