Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fan Death

Image removed due to it spamming my blog.

This is so funny I don't even know what to say about it. It is on par with the people here that tell me that when the temperature gets below 60F that they cant take their babies outside anymore because their lungs will freeze.

Stupidity continues to rule the world.

Fan Death


judi/Gmj said...

I lived in Seoul for 11 months in the 70s. Stupidity doesn't began to touch the rural belief system. Cultural ignorance perhaps?
But my goodness, you got to be kidding "freeze their lungs?" Pay the randsom!! :)

Eisbär said...

Yes apparently your baby will freeze its lungs and die. Of course your lungs are the hottest part of your body what with all the air and blood and such, so if you freeze your lungs that means that your frozen solid because last I checked, things froze from the outside in.

T said...

no really they actually believe this?
wow! weird.....
you must lead them obe one