Monday, November 10, 2008

Is Obama a Mason?

As seems to happen every time there's a US presidential election, our site
is regularly searched to find out if the candidates are Freemasons. OK. For
the record:

John McCain is NOT a Mason. His father, Admiral John Sidney McCain,
Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet during the Vietnam War and who died
in 1981, was.

*Barack Obama is NOT a Mason.*

Hillary Clinton is NOT a Mason. Her husband (former President Bill Clinton)
was a member of a Masonic-sponsored youth organization. . . .

Ron Paul is not a Mason although his father is.

George Bush is not a Mason. His father (former President George Bush) is not
a Mason. And the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University has NO
connection to Freemasonry whatsoever, despite what the person with the
tin-foil hat wants you to believe!

So whatever the motive for your curiosity, the answer is - NO! OK?